Only Contacts in My Contact List Should Be Able to Call on Skype

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When you create an account on Skype, or when you use your Microsoft account to sign in to the application, by default Skype configures your account and profile as public which is visible to everyone. As a result, anyone who uses Skype and searches out for your account is able to make a call to your ID. Although you will not be visible in the callers list if you have not added the person, if you are online the caller will be able to hear a ring tone indicating him your online status. This happens because Skype automatically and by default makes your profile and ID publicly available.

If you are running your own business, or you are an important person, you can increase the security of your Skype profile and ID. By doing so, you can restrict the calling capability to only the users who are added in your Skype contact list. This being said, any person who is not added to your Skype contact list will not be able to make a call to your ID whatsoever. However, the person will still be able to view your profile and all the details that you have made publicly available.

Increasing your security in Skype requires just a few mouse clicks and the configuration is user specific. This means that no administrative intervention is required in order to modify the security parameters for your Skype profile.

Here is what you need to do in order to restrict the calls from any unknown contacts that are not added in your Skype contact list:

    ■Log on to the computer.

    ■Initialize Skype by double-clicking its icon.

    ■Sign in to your Skype account.

    ■On the opened interface, from the menubar, go to Tools>Options.


    ■On the opened Skype Options box, from the left pane, click to select Privacy option.

    ■From the expanded list, ensure that Privacy settings option is selected.

    ■From the right pane, under the Allow calls from section, click to select people in my Contact list only radio button.


    ■Once done, click Save.

    ■Finally click Close button.

    ■If required, restart Skype in order to allow the changes to take effect.

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