Export Custom Word or Phrase List from Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0

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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 is quite versatile program that has its own built-in vocabulary list which contains several words and phrases that the program recognizes before it transcribes them. Even though the vocabulary list has endless words and phrases into it, there might still be instances where you want to add some additional phrases or words to meet your business needs.

For example, if you are from commerce stream, there might be several words that you need to include into your documents and emails but they are not recognized by Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0. Similarly there is another very common word ‘OK’ which is pronounced so but Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 writes it correctly which is ‘OKAY’. Therefore in order to avoid any manual intervention while typing such words, you add the words into the vocabulary list so that the Dragon can accept and transcribe them when you speak them into the microphone.

If the list of such words is small, you can leave everything as default and can start using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 normally. If you ever happen to remove the existing user profile and create a new one, you can again add the words into the vocabulary manually. On the other hand, things may differ if the word list is gigantic. In such cases, it is practically not feasible to add all the words and phrases to the vocabulary list every time you create a new user profile. In order to avoid such situations, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 allows you to export the list of all the custom words that you have manually added to the vocabulary of the program.

NOTE: The list that Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 exports is saved in a text file format with .txt extension.

By following the instructions given below, you will be able to export the list of words and phrases that you have manually added to the Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 vocabulary.
Here’s what you need to do:

    ■Initialize Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.0 by double-clicking its icon.

    ■From the open interface available at the top of the window, click the Vocabulary menu.

    ■From the displayed list, click the Export custom Word and phrase list option.


    ■On the opened Export Custom Words box, browse and locate the destination folder where you want to save the list.

    ■In the File name field, type a new and unique file name for the list that is to be exported.


    ■Once done, click the Save button to start the exporting process.

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