Skyrim Legendary Tips And Hints


Feb 7, 2014
Hello and welcome, if you are reading this then you're probably after some things to either make your Skyrim more enjoyable or you're struggling at getting the fun out of the game on legendary difficulty. Before I start I would like to mention that all information here is a mixture of personal experience and the Skyrim official game guide. I play the PC version but will refrain from mentioning mods since I want this tutorial to remain universal.

Let's get into it:

1. What to know:
One Legendary difficulty you do X0.25 damage. In other words every 4 damage you do get's nerfed to 1 damage. You also take x3 damage, so every 4 damage an enemy does is amplified to 12 damage. So you're looking at a some serious disadvantages, if it takes you 12 hits to do the same amount of damage an enemy npc would do in 1, you're gonna die, a lot.

2: Low Levels
At levels 1 up to 10 you will going to get one shot killed by a large number of foes. Especially if you're build is a rogue or mage type (I will discuss my build later). The key to staying alive at these levels is to get through them quickly.

1. Hunt, animals are fairly easy to tackle and give you hides, they can be turned into leather and armor, meaning you get up your skill you use to kill them and your smiting, more skills being leveled at once, meaning faster leveling

2. FOLLOWERS. I can't stress how important these are, they take less damage and do more than you. I haven't been able to work it out exactly but the 0.25 and 3 times multipliers don't seem to apply directly to followers and other NPCs (Summons and reanimated).

3. Armor, on legendary you level faster than any other difficulty. It takes you more hits (faster weapon skill leveling) and you take a real f***ing lot of damage (armor skill). Choose your light armor or heavy armor and level it up! Not max out, but at least the basic +20% will help you take an extra hit before you die (if you're lucky)

3.Do what suits your build!!!!!
Illusionists, go do dawnguard and get all the vampire perks that help your illusion, this is good for thief build too!
Warriors go get the dawnbreaker (a fine sword) or a nice big bulky two handed weapon.
Sneakers, go get the dark brother hood armor and thief guild kit! Until you're a good enchanter you will need items that correspond with you!

4: My Build, I'm sharing this with you and giving you my reasons why. If you want to enquirer about any other build post it and I'll get back to you. Here's mine:
I have a hybrid build. It's a sweet tune between a rogue/necro/illusionist.

Here's my play style.
1. I leveled up my one handed and light Armour as quick as I could. This was fundamental to my survival. Then I proceeded to raise the dead to get a follower to sponge/tank for me. Then I got some bound swords and a bound bow. This way all I carried was a dagger and my clothes, maxing out my carry weight free space for big loot. After that I focused on sneak, being hard to find so I could walk into a dungeon and sneak around and get a x6 or x12 damage on a npc to kill them quicker (didn't have a times 30 since my sneak was not high enough also note I'm using dark brotherhood gear) once I killed an npc I would raise him or her to tank/sponge for me while I took pop shots with my bow. Soon I was able to summon my own minions, making sneak less valuable since I no longer needed to kill and npc to get a tank/sponge. However in many situations it wasn't enough when my minion got overwhelmed or into a boss fight. Here comes Illusion! When facing a tough foe I would calm him/her and use my now times 30 sneak damage bonus and repeat until the npc falls before me. If there were many I would frenzy the toughest foe to help me and my minion out. Worst case when I'm sprinting for my life I would fear whoever was chasing me and then proceed to frenzy one the attackers who was working my tank/sponge as a distraction. Then I would utilize my high sneak to vanish into the shadows.

5. Combat
Everyone has their own combat styles but even the sneakiest rogues and wisest of wizards will face a foe head on at legendary difficulty.

Block: If an enemy does a regular attack

Bash: if you can see your enemy charging a power attack, this will stagger them.

Power attack: To break an enemies defense

Regular attack: If an enemy is staggered.

Fus rather than Ro Dah: Fus is quick, and has a quick recharge rate, it may not be as entertaining but it staggers anyone, handy against wards or if you don't have a shield handy and a blades heading your way.

Potions: Keep loads of health potion stacked, always, even if you use restoration magic... an invisibility potion is also handy for a swift get away... and a poison or two never hurt anyone... kinda...

(Mage combat update tonight )

Hope you enjoyed, ask me anything, I didn't mention favorites since that should straight forward and if you don't favorite everything you need, you should be lowering the difficulty and playing the game through before going into it legendary!