Create a Restore Point in Windows 8

All latest versions of Microsoft operating systems (which also includes Windows 8/Windows 8.1) automatically create a restore point every time any major configuration or modification takes place in the operating system.

This being said, in home PCs, it is very unlikely that you would ever need to create a restore point in Windows 8 manually. However if you still want to do so for testing purposes or because of any other reason, you must have administrative privileges on the computer without which you won’t be able to perform the task whatsoever.

By following the instructions given in this tutorial, you will be able to create a restore point in Windows 8/Windows 8.1 manually. Once the restore point is created, you can revert your Windows 8 computer back to the created restore point in case something goes wrong with the OS.

Although you can create the restore points in Windows 8 for any or all the volumes that the hard disk drive may have, in most cases the restore point of the system drive (which in most cases is C:\) is created in order to ensure successful recovery of the operating system whenever needed.
Below is the process with the help of which you can create a restore point in Windows 8/Windows 8.1 manually:

    ■Log on to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 computer with the administrator account.
    ■On the Start screen, click the Desktop tile.
    ■Once on the desktop window, click the File Explorer icon from the taskbar.
    ■On the opened This PC window, right-click This PC from the navigation pane in the left.
    ■From the displayed context menu, click Properties.

    ■On the opened System window, click the System protection option from the left pane.

    ■On the System Properties box, make sure that you are on the System Protection tab.
    ■Make sure that the Local Disk (C:) (System) volume is selected in the Protection Settings list. (C: is the default drive where Windows operating systems are installed in case the default options are selected during the installation. The system drive letter may vary if the operating system is installed on any other volume of the hard disk drive. Regardless of the drive letter, make sure you select the volume that is marked as ‘System’ in the list.)
    ■Click Create from the bottom of the box.


10. On the opened System Protection box, in the available field, type an informative and descriptive name for the new restore point that you are about to create.
11. Once done, click the Create button to start the restore point creation process.

12. Once the process is complete, click the Close button on the displayed message box.

13. Finally close all the opened box in windows, and start using the Windows 8/Windows 8.1 computer normally.