Moving Apps To An SD Card On A Samsung Galaxy S5

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If there is no SD card has been installed in your Samsung Galaxy S5, all of the apps that you install are stored in the phone’s built-in storage. If you install several apps on your smartphone without freeing up the space, your Galaxy S5 might gradually become slow and you might start experiencing decreased performance.

In order to avoid that situation, you should install an SD card in your Galaxy S5, and move all the apps to the card and free up your smartphone's internal storage.

Moving apps to an installed SD card in Galaxy S5 is easy. Here’s how:

    ■Switch on your Galaxy S5 by pressing the power button.
    ■Tap the menu icon to go to the apps list.
    ■On the next interface, tap the Settings icon.
    ■From the Settings window, under the APPLICATIONS section, tap the Application manager option.

    ■From the displayed apps list, under the DOWNLOADED tab from the Application manager interface, locate the desired app that you want to move to the SD card.
    ■Once located, tap to the select the app.

    ■On the App info interface, under the Storage section, tap the Move to SD card button in order to move the app to the SD card.

    ■You must follow the steps 5, 6 and 7 individually for each app that you want to move to your SD card.

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