How to get the X-01 Power Armor in Fallout 4


May 23, 2016
Looking to get a full suit of the best power armor around, but keep finding nothing but bits and pieces here and there? Let me show you where to go to find a full suit of the stuff all in one place.

Step 1) Get to at least level 30.
What you find is largely dependent on what level you are when you find it, so you can't be fresh out of the vault and make a run for that sweet suit of power armor right away. Around level 28 is the earlier you can start finding X-01 parts, so get to level 30 to ensure you'll be picking up a full suit of it here.


Step 2) Save your game.
There is no guarantee you are going to find the X-01 armor, unless you are well above level 30. If you save your game before you head there though, you can always reload and try again, or maybe get a level or two and try again. It's better safe than sorry so have a reload point before you try.


Step 3) Head over to Custom House Tower.
This is over on the east side of diamond city, along the coast. This isn't where the power armor is, but the closest fast travel point.


Step 4) Find the Court 35 building.
This is just a bit southwest of the Custom House Tower, and has a fairly large lit up sign out front so it's hard to miss. This is where you are going to find the armor, but not without a fight. Head inside and take the elevator upstairs.


Step 5) Defeat the robots.
When you reach the top of the elevator you're going to be attacked by an assaultron and a sentry bot. Once you have defeated them, you'll be able to get into the rooms they came from and push two buttons to open the cage holding the suit of X-01 power armor.


Hopefully, you are now the proud new owner of a full set of X-01 power armor, enjoy. If not, you may need to reload your previous save and try again, or pick up a few more levels before you try again. Good luck!