How to use the command console in Fallout 4


May 23, 2016
Looking to put yourself at a bit of an advantage while playing Fallout 4 on PC? Let me show you how to open the console commands and you can cheat to your hearts content. This can also be used to force a fix for some of the bugs you might find in your travels as well.

Step 1)Open the console.
This can be done simply by pressing the ` button beside the 1 on your keyboard. This will bring up the console in game, and pause the game completely while you tinker in this menu.


Step 2) Enter your desired command.
There are literally hundreds of different commands the console can accept, so I won't be listing them all here. Some things to remember though is that if the item or target you are entering in a command has a number of 0s in front of it, for example 00000014 for the player, you can omit the 0s and the system will still accept the command without an issue as they are just placeholders for a hexedecimal reference ID.


Step 3) Close the console.
You can enter in as many console commands as you like here and they will all take effect for you as soon as you close the console. This is done by pressing the same ` button you used to first open it.


Enjoy your new godhood status, or maybe the new unending supply of junk for your settlement building! For a list of all of the console commands, I suggest checking the Fallout Wiki.