How to Beat Ancient Wyvern in Dark Souls 3


May 23, 2016
This is another optional 'boss' for Dark souls 3, but I think I'd rather consider him a mini boss at best. This is probably one of the easiest fights in the game really, you can kill him with your bare hands if you want even. You just need to do it right.

Step 1)Equip fire resistant armor and shields.
He has a fire breathing attack that is going to be your main concern, so coming with resistances to fire is going to help if you get caught in the blast, but it's not really required, if you run quick enough it shouldn't be much of a problem.


Step 2)Run like the wind!
When you first enter the boss fight, this big bad boy is going to come swooping down and land right in front of you. Ignore him, he's just a big softie, and run right on past him. As soon as you get past him, hand a left and go into the building there. There's going to be a few minor dragon baddies in your path, you can fight them or just keep running. It's up to you. The path does split in a few points as well, but as a general rule, if you are going upstairs you are going the right way. There's a few places in the path where the ancient wyvern can see you to breath fire at you, so try to avoid getting caught in that. If the enemies in your way get caught in it though, they will die.


Step 3)Plunge down onto the dragon's head.
When you get to the end of the path you are going to be right above the dragon. Wait until he has just finished breathing fire and then run and jump off the ledge, hitting your attack button on your way down. Yes, this can be done using your bare hands, and yes, it will one hit kill this 'boss' with a pretty awesome animation.


And that's it, not exactly a hard boss, as dark souls bosses go, but it can be pretty fun to watch your guy kill a dragon with their bare hands. Or a greatsword or.. Whatever weapon you choose really.