Overwatch Hero Guide – Reaper


May 23, 2016
Reloading? Who reloads now a days, just toss those guns out and grab new ones magically from the air. That'd be Reaper's style anyway. I can't wait for the patch where all his discarded guns actually show up on the ground, so you can see where Reaper has been and follow him from his trail of empty shotguns. So let's get into his abilities, and what he can do.

Passive - The Reaping
Whenever you kill an enemy, they will leave soul globes on the ground where they died, you can pick these up by moving close to them to give yourself 50 health. This can keep you in a fight you'd have to run from, and get another kill, and another orb, instead of having to beat a hasty retreat. Useful, but only if you can kill someone.


Main Attack - Hellfire Shotguns
These things are extremely deadly at short range, even against tanks since their so big and easy to hit. You won't be hitting much at long range with these those, they're shotguns with a rapidly spreading buckshot. You'll need to get in close, and let lose hell on your enemies to collect their souls to heal yourself. It's a very effective cycle when the team doesn't even see you coming.


Wraith form
This is going to be mainly used as your panic button, and keep in mind it does have a longer cool down time. If you sneak in behind the team, go in on them, and realize there is a deployed Bastion looking your way, that might be a good time to use this ability to get out of there. The duration is only for 3 seconds, but you also move faster while you are using it, so get out and try again from a different direction they won't expect you from.


Shadow Step
This is how you get behind their team without being seen. If you can see it, you can step to it. This is best used to flank the enemy team, or even to get to their hard to reach snipers or turrets before they can take a shot at you. Step in, get the kills, wraith form to safety, and repeat until you have your ultimate.


Ultimate - Death Blossom
If you can get in close to a group of clumped up enemies without being seen while you have this ready, it basically spells instant death for them. Get in close, activate this, and it will do massive amounts of damage all around you, enough to kill just about anyone if they stay in it. Beware, it is a channeled ability though, so if you get stunned it will cancel the ultimate from continuing.


All in all, Reaper isn't a tough hero to play, the main obstacles to playing him is to learn the maps, something you need to do with any hero, and learning where on those maps his shadow step can take you. Once you have that information it becomes a simple process of sneaking behind the team to get your kills.