How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide – Reinhardt

Reinhardt is the toughest tank in the game, with high health and armor, and the benefit of getting to hide behind a force field shield that can take a massive beating. He is by far one of the most fun tanks to play when done right, so let's get down to what it is he does.

Main attack - Rocket Hammer.
Reinhardt doesn't have much in the way of range, but he more than makes up for it if he can get up close and personal with his hammer. This giant rocket hammer will hit everyone in front of Reinhardt on every swing and dish out some pretty decent damage. Keep in mind, this thing hits hard enough to knock people back a bit as well, which can be very useful if they're standing on the edge of a cliff. Reinhardt is a bit slow and cumbersome to get into melee range usually, but he's got a trick up his armored sleeve for that.


Barrier Field.
This move is Reinhardt's bread and butter. He projects a force field in front of him that will stop all ranged attacks from passing beyond it. This will allow you to slowly advance on an objective, while any team mate who comes with you is protected behind your shield. Just stay in front of your team, and watch the barrier's health, and you should be able to push right onto an objective. If your barrier's health hits zero it will shatter, but it's health will regenerate when it has not been activated for a few seconds. Take it slow, move your team from cover to cover with the shield, and have them watch your back because it only blocks in front of you.


This move can be a lot of funny, and very deadly. If you can manage to hit with it, you will almost always take someone out of the fight right then and there. When you use this you'll do as the name suggests, and charge, complete with rocket boosters on your back, straight ahead. You can still turn slightly but not much, and any hero you collide with is in major trouble. You'll keep charging for a set amount of time, or until you collide with a solid surface. If you hit someone with it and you collide with a surface it will deal a massive amount of damage to them, enough to take out anyone who isn't a tank. This is best used as closer ranges where they enemy has less time to dodge out of the way, but it can be tempting to use it to rush in from far off. Try to avoid that temptation and take it slow, walk in with your shield up and use this when they have no time to run.


Fire Strike
This is the only move Reinhardt has that he can use from a distance. You will need to drop your barrier for a second to throw it out there, but it will travel through any targets it hits until it reaches a solid surface. This can be most effective when thrown through choke points, since you can hit multiple targets if you are lucky. Also, with enough practice, you can use this mid rocket hammer swing to cancel the animation. If you time it right, and your aim is true, you can hit them with the rocket swing and the fire strike in quick succession, which can burst down a lot of the squishier targets.


Ultimate - Earthshatter
Reinhardt's ultimate will stun anyone in his path for what feels like an eternity when you are the one hit by it. Keep in mind though that if they duck behind cover and you can't see them, it won't hit them, even though the ground animation will show under them. This move is best used on a group of enemies you are close to, and you can follow it up with an easy to land fire strike since the targets are down, and then a charge as well if possible to pin someone and crush them. Proper use of this ultimate, with a bit of team support, can wipe an entire team if they group up around Reinhardt.


There you have it, if you are looking to play a walking tank that can crush people with either a hammer propelled by rockets, or just by the sheer weight of your awesome armor, Reinhardt is the champ you are looking for. Enjoy!