How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide – Lucio

Lucio is basically a DJ who both heals and hurts through sound. Like Justin Beiber meets therapeutic jazz or something. With a dash of Lady Gaga mixed in because some of those skins are pretty out there for Lucio. He's a lot of fun though, a bit of a middle ground between Zenyatta and Mercy for a good balance of both offense and healing, while being one of the most mobile healers you can pick.

Passive - Wall Ride
Lucio can jump at any flat wall and run along the wall rather than the ground, while still being able to fire his sonic amplifier and use his abilities. This can allow you to simply run right past an enemy and keep firing at them from behind with ease, or you can even jump off the wall to get even higher than you would expect, letting you get to areas others can't.


Sonic Amplifier
This is Lucio's primary weapon, and the main fire will shoot out four projectiles in rapid succession. They are slow traveling so it's best used at short range when they can't dodge. You can also use the alternate fire to fire a cone of sound that will knock enemies back from you. This can be incredibly useful to push tanks back from you to give you some breathing room, or even knock people off ledges to their death.


This ability is always active, it's just a matter of which mode you have it set to. By default, it is set to a speed buff that provides an aura of increased movement speed to a large area to any hero you have line of sight to. Activating the ability will switch the aura to one of healing rather than speed, and you can swap easily between the two whenever you want. If you have a Mercy on your team, consider sticking with the movement speed buff rather than the healing, as she probably has that covered for the most part, and switch to healing if you see someone in trouble.


Amp it up
This ability will buff your aura to increased levels, making you heal for greater amounts, or move at a very quick pace for you and your team. It has a long cool down time, so using it tactically is important.


Ultimate - Sound Barrier
Lucio's ultimate will buff anyone who is currently benefiting from his crossfade aura with a huge temporary health shield that will slowly fade over the duration of the effect. This is incredibly useful to facilitate a push on an objective, or to completely negate the incoming damage of a powerful ultimate that's about to hit your team.


When played well, Lucio can make a great addition to any team, unless it already has another Lucio on it of course.