Overwatch Hero Guide – McCree


May 23, 2016
It's always high noon somewhere when you are playing McCree. The cigar smoking, six shooter wielding, cowboy type is an amazing offensive hero in Overwatch, and here's what it is he can do when you play him.

This is McCree's main weapon, his trust six shooter pistol. When using the main fire option this pistol is highly accurate and can put out a decent chunk of damage on it's own.


Fan the Hammer
This is the way McCree's Peacekeeper really shines, when he fans the hammer to unload the entire cylinder at anything in his way. It's not nearly as accurate as his main fire option, but up close it can be devastating. This works especially well on most tanks as they're big easy to hit targets, so it's easier to get all six shots in against them.


Combat Roll
Just fanned the hammer and something is still alive? Use this to roll out of the way of anything incoming at you and reload at the same time so you can do it again! This is great for closing the distance on an enemy, and since you reload at the same time it can be used right after your first volley.


Using this will stun anyone in front of McCree, but it has to hit pretty close to them to be effective. Once they're stunned though, they're easy pickings for a fanning the hammer kill.


Ultimate - Deadeye
When McCree calls out that it's high noon when he starts using his ult, enemies will all scatter for cover. Anyone caught in McCree's line of sight for too long can be one shot killed by this ultimate. This is best used from cover, and then you can step out from cover to see how many enemies you can catch in your line of sight. Once the targets all zero in, hit fire, and they'll all bite the dust.


Welcome to the wild west of team Overwatch, get in there and show some of those high tech guys that the six shooter is still king in these parts, and they aren't welcome here.