How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide Pharah

Pharah is a great offensive hero choice on any map that has large open areas. She is great at long ranges and can jump high into the sky and stay there for a limited time to rain rockets down on the heads of the enemy team. Aiming while hovering around can be difficult so she isn't the easiest hero to play, but if you can manage to fly and land direct hits at the same time you can be both very hard to hit to bring down, and deadly against the enemy team.


Falcon Rocket Launcher
Pharah's main attack is her rocket launcher, which is highly accurate at even long ranges, and does some decent splash damage when it hits something as well. The rockets do travel slowly though, so getting the timing down to actually get a direct hit can be very challenging. I would suggest aiming at where you predict the enemy will be and just trying to hit the ground there to deal some of that splash damage, it's better than watching the rockets just sail past the target. The rockets do have a small knock back effect, but not much, and they can also hurt you if they detonate too close to you, so keep that in mind that you can accidentily kill yourself with these.


Jump Jet
This ability is what will propel Pharah high into the sky so that she can rain death down on the enemy team. This can be done with either your regular rocket launcher, or you can use your ultimate after this so that you are high in the sky with a nice view of the entire team before you unleash a barrage of death down on them.


Concussive Blast
This ability can be used to blast enemies around. If you see someone standing close to an edge, a quick shot with this near their feet and they'll go soaring away. It's great for clearing objectives as well, and if you are in a pinch and need to move quickly it can even push you around as well.


Once Pharah is in the air, she can keep herself there by hovering for as long as she has fuel to do so. While you can activate this by using the jump button, the alternate fire button will also activate hover, which can be a lot easier to hold while aiming and firing at the enemy while you are flying around. The tooltips in game don't seem to include this, so keep it in mind and you'll have the edge as a Pharah player.


Ultimate - Barrage
Pharah's ultimate ability is to release a massive salvo of rockets at anything in front of her, and it can deal incredible amounts of damage to multiple targets. Keep switching your aim to any targets still standing for as long as the ability is channeled for and there's a good chance you'll get a multiple kill out of this, but keep in mind while you use it you are completely immobile and thus easily shot down. Use it from a direction the enemy won't see it coming or you might get brought down before you are finished.
