How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide Tracer

Tracer is the spunky British hero of Overwatch that caused a bit of outrage due to her victory pose, enough so that Blizzard actually changed it. She's the product of a failed teleporting aircraft experiment, which gives her the ability to phase in and out of time. She has learned to use this ability to her advantage in combat, and here's how.


Pulse Pistols
Tracer's pistols are extreme rapid fire short range monsters. You will unload a clip very quickly with these, but if you are close enough to the target they will do a lot of damage. Their damage starts to drop off at longer ranges though.


This is Tracer's most important ability and is what makes Tracer, Tracer. Using this ability Tracer will blink in the direction she is currently traveling in, allowing her to move unpredictably and dodge enemy attacks, or get in behind them for devastating effect with her pistols.


This is Tracer's panic button, if you've made a mistep and perhaps charged into a team that was ready for you, hit this. It will blink you back to where you were 3 seconds ago, with the same health you had then as well. It can be a lifesaver, and is also very useful for when you've just blinked in to drop your ultimate.


Pulse Bomb
Tracer's ultimate is like a short range sticky grenade, if you hit an enemy with it, it will stick to them until it explodes. It only has a small area of effect, but it can damage Tracer as well if she is caught in it. A good strategy to use this effectively is to get in with blink, throw it, and recall out, since it does explode pretty quickly.


Tracer excels at getting behind enemy teams and patrolling the back lines to cut off people who have died and are trying to get back to the fight. She is the primary Flanker of Overwatch because of her ability to get out of trouble quickly if need be. If you like sneaking in behind the enemy, and your movement being your best defense, then Tracer is the hero for you.