How To 

Numbani Map Guide For Overwatch

This map is an absolute snipers paradise, there are balconies and overlooking walkways, and sneaky little hidey holes to duck into galore. Widowmaker and Hanzo will really excel here, and some of those good sniper positions can be reached by the likes of Bastion and Torbjorn too, for setting up turrets and switching to stationary mode. This is a hybrid game mode map, so you'll need to capture an objective before you can unlock the payload to move it towards victory.


Objective A)Capture the objective.
Keeping in mind that this map is amazing if you are playing a sniper, try to take the path less traveling to get through to this first objective. To the left of the spawn point is a building you can duck into quickly and from there, you can get past the first balcony a Widowmaker could set up in, or up onto the catwalk any turrets might be set up on. Once you jump down from the catwalk you can quickly duck into another building that will lead you right up to the objective itself without putting you in danger from any possible snipers set up along the route, as well as avoiding one of the most often set up choke points just before the objective. You can also go around behind the building, but that will put you in line of sight for longer when you do come out at the objective. If you take the building you can run straight through and up the stairs to get onto the catwalk surrounding the objective. From here you will be behind the team and can most likely clear out any defenses they have set up looking at the objective.


Objective B)Escort the Payload
Once you have captured the objective you'll need to move it through the streets, there are again a lot of balconies you will be passing that need to have an eye kept on them as you go. In the final push to the courtyard is fairly open, unless you are playing a tank it may be hard to stay on the payload itself. Check the building on the left hand side and you can again sneak behind the obvious line of sight and possibly get behind the team for the crucial push to that final objective, all in all, moving the payload is the easy part of this map compared to the fight for taking the objective in the first place.
