How to POSSIBLY make PSU Coil Whine Quieter


Jul 1, 2016
Ok, So I'm sure you know what coil whine is.
Sometimes it can be cause by the GPU, motherboard, or in my case...The PSU.
I had looked for a while at a fix and failed :(
But recently I found out a way to make it kinda go away (Make it reasonably quieter)

Its pretty simple, in the games that you get coil whine. All you want
to do is enable v-sync IN GAME (not at Nvidia Control Panel)
This made it get quieter and I can play without that high pitched noise :D

(Dont get mad if this didn't work, is said it COULD help you)


My Crappy PC that I will very soon upgrade :D
GTX 660 SC
AMD A6 6400K
550W PSU
8gb Ram
Some Cool Gold pc case for like 50 quid....