How To 

How To Beat Breach Mode In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Breach mode in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is sort of like side missions that you do that doesn't follow the main story line with Adam, but rather you are a hacker breaking into The Blades mainframe to extract data for sale. Everything you do in this game mode takes place in cyberspace, and the areas you are dropped into can be a bit disorienting and maze like. So how do you make it through these little side missions, and what are your goals?

Step 1)Find the data towers.

These are your main objectives, get in, get to these, and get out. You'll need to hit up enough of these to download 10 terabytes of data, which is indicated by the download bar along the top. Each mission will have more than enough data towers for you to accomplish this, and you will get a bonus if you get to all of them on the level.

Step 2)Augment your avatar for your playstyle.

Just like in the main game, you can augment your avatar in breach in the same way. Many of the augments are just mirrored for use in cyberspace with slightly different names. It's strongly recommended to play through the main game before you dive into the breach, so remember that you can always mirror how you played in the game to how you are going to play here in the breach.

Step 3)Keep an eye on the clock!

You only have so long to get that data and get back to the start of the level with it, and the faster you do it, the better your score is going to be at the end of the mission. There are also goals to complete the mission quickly that will earn you even extra rewards, so check those before you start it and try to aim for that.

Once you have finished each mission on your current map, you can select the exit mission to move on to the next area. Keep in mind each map has an extra bonus for if you have reached 100% completion on that map, so try and get those extra objectives finished on each map! Good luck in there ripper.