How To 

How To Craft Carite In No Man’s Sky

When you first get started in No Man's Sky your ship is a smoking ruin. You're going to need these carite sheets in order to repair it, so how do you create them?

Step 1)Collect iron.

You are going to need 50 iron per sheet, and your starting ship is going to need six in order to repair both the launch thrusters and the pulse engine. You do start with one in your ship inventory and the pulse engine isn't strictly required right away, it just allows you to get to where you are going faster. Iron is very plentiful so you should have no issues

Step 2)Access your ship's inventory

You'll need your ship to help you craft these, so find your ship and access it's inventory.

Step 3)Craft the carite sheets.

Once in your ship's inventory you can select the free crafting slots and instruct it to make a carite sheet there. Once they are made you can go ahead and start the repairs on your engines with them to get things going. Keep in mind you'll need 250 iron to make all of these sheets, so stay out and keep mining rocks until you have that much.

Now that you've got your carite sheets, you're one step closer to fixing up your ship and beginning your exploration of the stars!