How To 

How To Make Money Crafting In Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Need a bunch of credits to really beef up your augments before the next mission, but not sure how to get them once you've sold everything you don't plan on using yourself? Here's a quick guide on how to make those extra credits out of nothing but a few spare parts.

Step 1)Collect any spare parts you come across.

Look everywhere, upgrade your sight augment if you have to, and find every stash of spare parts where ever you go in the world. These things basically let you print your own credits, so the more the merrier.

Step 2)Craft the most expensive thing per part.

Head into your menus and select the crafting option from the menu along the top, and you'll be shown a few things you can craft. So which is going to give you the most credits for your parts you ask? Well, the Typhoon ammo takes the lead for that one, you'll get five credits on every part, much more than anything else you can craft. Go ahead and make as many of these you can manage.

Step 3)Sell all the ammo for profit.

Find a local merchant willing to sell to you, and unload them all on him. I like the merchant a floor down from Adam's apartment myself, as you can purchase Praxis from him as well, but it's up to you.

Now that you've sold all of the Typhoon ammo that you can manage to craft, you should have a pretty nice stack of credits to supply yourself for your mission as you see fit, or even to buy more Praxis to upgrade your augments to be ready for anything.