How To 

All Gnome Outfit Locations In Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 has a special hidden unlock that will let you dress up just like a garden gnome! I'm not exactly sure why you'd want to, but yeah, it's there. So how do you get this secret outfit in the first place?

Step 1)Find the hidden map.

First, you have to find a hidden laptop with a map displayed on screen. Even if you find the gnomes, if you haven't found a laptop then you can't interact with any of them. Head over to the seafood restaurant on the wharf and whip out your RV Jumper. You'll notice a small hole under the stairs of the restaurant where you can drive under the restaurant yourself. This will bring you to a small hidden room with a gnome and a laptop. Interact with the laptop, and turn the brightness down on it, and you'll be presented with a map with some circles on it and two squares. One of the squares is where you are now, and the other is where the outfit can be found. But before you can find it, you'll have to find all the gnomes at each circle.

Step 2)Find all ten of the gnomes.

Using the map from the laptop, travel to each of the ten circles and spend some time looking around, each gnome is located within those circles and most aren't too hard to find. Check inside doghouses, air ducts, bathtubs, hot tubs, anywhere you think a gnome might want to hang out.

Step 3)Find the outfit itself.

Now that you'd found all the gnomes, head to where the X was on the map that wasn't the location of the laptop you started this journey at. When you get there, look for the tent pictured above and send in your RV Jumper to pick up the package.

Now that you have the package, you can change into your new clothes at any time so that you can look just like all your other gnome friends!