How To 

How To Change Privacy And Wi-Fi Sense Settings In Windows 10

Microsoft is all set to be more transparent both with its privacy and Wi-Fi sense settings. This new privacy setting in Windows 10 will provide users with a privacy control. The Wi-Fi sense helps in sharing the login information of the Wi-Fi network amid Windows 10 users, but since this was not considered to be secure so there has been some change in its settings.


Ways to Change the Privacy Settings in Windows 10

■First and foremost choose the Start button placed on the screen’s lower left hand side and then select settings.


■Next, select Privacy


■After clicking on Privacy a lot of options will be shown for privacy settings like using the SmartScreen Filter of Microsoft in the Windows Store apps or using the unique advertising ID. You can change any of these options by turning the setting on/off.


Ways to Change the Wi-Fi Sense Settings in Windows 10

Although initially Wi-Fi sense was welcomed wholeheartedly, but it has two major problems. Firstly, you will not be in favor of sharing your Wi-Fi amid all the so-called friends, but rather prefer in sharing it with genuine offline friends or family members whom you can easily trust. But all the people under your contact list in Skype, Outlook and Facebook by default will be capable of accessing the Wi-Fi if they are within the range. In fact, it is this that acts as the default setting. Another issue is although the password is sent encrypted to both Microsoft and the friends’ computer, but there is a high possibility of it getting cracked. According to the Microsoft database, cybercriminals are always on the lookout for hacking the database. So if you are not sure and wish to turn off the Wi-Fi Sense in your Windows 10, you can change its settings by following these steps,


■Go to the Settings app, press Network and Internet. Then scroll down and choose Manage Wi-Fi Settings. It will provide you with 2 options- connect to the recommended open hotspots and connect to the network shared through my contact. Turn off the second option.


■When you turn this off you will not be capable of accessing the PC of other people, which is good because they will not be capable of hacking into your PC nor can others connect with your PC. The button can work in both ways for turning off the Wi-Fi Sense.


■Next unselect the 3 choices available- Facebook friends, Skype contacts and contacts.


■Finally, close down the Settings app. The Wi-Fi Sense is now turned off and others cannot use your Wi-Fi and vice-versa.


Microsoft stores all the passwords in the database. At any given time security may be breached. 100% security cannot be guaranteed. Nothing has been mentioned online about the encryption type used for storing passwords. It is likely to be a good encryption, but if you have any doubts simply change the settings of your Wi-Fi sense.

You can now change the Privacy and Wi-Fi Sense Settings in Windows 10 with these simple steps.