How to make multiple binds COD4


Dec 15, 2007
Does anyone know how i can make a bind that will say multiple things one after another? So i can make the colours different and make a rainbow effect thing. Im sure you know what i mean.

Thanks in advanced Plow


Oct 9, 2008
what says he isn't 12

here you go plow, knock yourself out...

There are two ways to add binds to COD4.
You can add them to the C:/Program\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\player\profiles\<accountname> config_mp.cfg file , open with wordpad.

or create them in wordpad then copy/paste them into the "in-game console" one line at a time.
Step1: Copy the config_mp.cfg of youre Profile to restore it if you damage it.
edit.. You must use word or open .cfg as rich text document.. notepad does not work for this

Step2: Open the config_mp.cfg of youre Profile and add a line like this.

bind F3 "say You Got Rolled"

That means you make an order for the F3 key, to say 'You Got Rolled' in the Game.

You can change the color of a letter, word or all sentences by using this code before characters.

Color codes:
^0 = black
^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = light blue
^6 = purple
^7 = white
^8 = Only When Playing as American = Dark Green
^8 = Only When Playing as Russian = Light Red
^8 = Only When Playing as British = Dark Blue
^8 = Only When Playing as German = Gray
^9 = grey

bind F3 "say ^1You ^7Got ^4Rolled"
That makes the 'You' appear in red, 'Got' in white and the 'Rolled' in blue.
You can choose any other key you prefer for messages that should appear in game but:
WARNING!!! Dont use keys that are already set by the game.
You can use all free F*-keys and the Num Pad to make some helpful statements!
Looks like this:
bind F3 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F4 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F5 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F6 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F7 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F8 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F9 "say You Got Rolled"
bind F10 "say You Got Rolled"

bind KP_HOME "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_UPARROW "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_PGUP "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_5 "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_END "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_PGDN "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_ENTER "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_INS "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_DEL "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_SLASH "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_MINUS "say You Got Rolled"
bind KP_PLUS "say You Got Rolled"

You can copy/paste the above paragraphs and edit them to your own taste.
If you add "_team" then these binds show only to your team.

These are the binds added to the console... one line at a time.

/bind F3 "say_team ^2FRIENDLY ON HQ, HOLD NADES"
/bind F4 "say_team ^2ENEMY ON HQ"
/bind F5 "say_team ^2ENEMY IN HQ BUILDING"
/bind F6 "say_team ^2Watch your fire, Friendlies on your six!"
/bind F7 "say_team ^2WATCH THE ROOF.. Windows!!"
/bind F8 "say_team ^8 SORRY"
/bind F9 "say_team ^2Move up! Camping back there makes us spawn back there!"
/bind F10 "say_team ^2Enemy Dead, HOLD FIRE!!

This is the list added to a profile\config_mp.cfg file.

bind F3 "say_team ^2FRIENDLY ON HQ, HOLD NADES"
bind F4 "say_team ^2ENEMY ON HQ"
bind F5 "say_team ^2ENEMY IN HQ BUILDING"
bind F6 "say_team ^2Watch your fire, Friendlies on your six!"
bind F7 "say_team ^2WATCH THE ROOF.. Windows!!"
bind F8 "say_team ^8 SORRY"
bind F9 "say_team ^2Move up! Camping back there makes us spawn back there!"
bind F10 "say_team ^2Enemy Dead, HOLD FIRE!!



he basically wants the /bind F5 "say ^1my name is ^2bill;wait 200;say ^1my name is ^3bill"

that will create it so you will type multiple lines after each line with just one click (F5 in this case) either type it into your config_mp file or in game