Upgrade from xp to windows 7 for multiple machines




Need to upgrade OS from XP to Windows 7 on more than 1000 machines...Can any one tell me different approaches we have. Licenses part can be taken care.



First of all since the machines are running XP, they are probably old as hell, with slow HDDS, and low amounts of ram. I say dont bother, your most likely going to loose productivity if the machines arent fast enough. Windows 7 requires alot more resources then xp.

Need to upgrade OS from XP to Windows 7 on more than 1000 machines...Can any one tell me different approaches we have. Licenses part can be taken care.

If you have no, or little experience doing a multi-PC roll-out of this nature, I suggest you hire a consultant. A simple issue multiplied by 1000 is a big headache. The last thing you need is to setup a huge automated installation and find out that something was missed and none of the computers have sound or something.

Have you done inventories of the computers to make sure they all can run 7 with no issues? I doubt all of those computers are identical, is the hardware supported under Win 7? How about all of the applications in use, they all Win 7 compatable? Will your web-based applications work under I.E. 8? Will your app vendors support Win 7, and I.E. 8. Many many questions you need to have answered.

Imagine the meeting where you have to explain to the VIPs of the company why you have 1,000 users not able to use their computers.


Nov 25, 2009
We had a similar problem (although we have only 230 workstations) and it was a nightmare to try and upgrade them to Windows 7 – 35 of them didn’t even support it so we had to replace the hardware, and many programs didn’t work on Windows 7 at all! In the end we’ve decided to use third party tools (Zinstall in this case) and it did help us transfer all the files and programs. How are you going to handle application transfer?