Falsh Game Labrute


Mar 19, 2009
Hello all!

I am new here and I apologize if ever I'm posting where I shouldn't! I've been browsing everywhere and this is the only place I've found about games. I want to talk about a French flash game very well known in France. I thought that if so many people appreciated it it meant you and people in other countries could also like it.

Note that 2 presentations are coming up, one fast one to try the game really quickly if you don't want to read any explanations and one longer part where you'll be informed on how it truly works and what good to know to better understand the game.

Notice that this game does not require any skill what so ever, it's only based on luck and it may be a bit frustrating sometimes however that what makes it funny too :sol:

Enter action quickly:

Go on this link: http://oktmortpd.labrute.fr/ (at this point you will be a pupil of my brute, adding me "one point")


If ever your "name" has already been taken by someone else then you'll have a small red message popping up asking you to change names what you have to do in order to play the game:


And here you go, your first fight will be against me and you'll obviously lose it because I've been playing for a while so I've developed some skills you don't have yet. But that's not the point, it's straight after this fight that you can fight people your own level and this is where slowly you will come stronger and stronger.

Understand the game:

So, you've surely tried the first point, had one or several fights and now you're wondering what's next. Actually, not much and... quite a lot! Nothing much more because once your fights are done then you'll have to wait to the following day to fight again. You may try to create other brutes (that's the name given to the character you're playing with) in order to try to get stronger ones, though it's hard to figure out if your brute is strong or not before reaching level 10.

Let me explain you what's your main page (where you can seen written "labrute.fr/cellule" in the link.


First you can see all the weapons of yours. You can have very few to a lot, it's random. Every time you go to the next level you always win a point making your life, force, agility or rapidity and if you're lucky you get a weapon or a skill with it to. So you have several weapons, from knives to swords, cups or keyboards, stick of wood to a club and so on. Some do small damage but can be used several times in a raw then others do real big damage yet are only usable once.

Then straight underneath you have the different skills you may get eventually. First four are a big boost of force, agility, rapidity and life (in this order). Then it's quite specific and I won't do all. Quickly, you have from "bigger damage with knives" to "better handling of big weapons", "untouchable" to "armor", "berserk" to "hypnotize" and so on. I'll let you discover them at this point, makes the games funnier!

Then you have pets, from doggies to panthers (they call it panthers, guess it looks more like a wolf lol) or bears. These reduce your life but make you harder to fight!

Last are the bars in the middle of your screen, showing your strength, agility and rapidity. The higher the better! ;)

You'll gain experience by creating pupils with different ips (that's an anticheat) and/or fighting against other brute being your level, above you or up to 2 level beneath you.

Well that's not bad for a first explanation ^^. You also have to use a password if you want to keep the brute to yourself, orelse anyone will be able to play with it. :bounce:

Hope you appreciate it however I could understand it's less interesting for foreigners however I thought I had to talk about it. Hope my English isn't too bad and my explanations easy to understand. I'll be hanging about later if ever you have any questions, I'll answer them asap!



Mar 19, 2009
If I was "just after points" I wouldn't have posted a whole topic for it... I'm explaining how the game works because it's doing well in French speaking countries, points are part of the game but that's not all. So we aren't allowed to talk about games involving any kind of point system, even if it's interesting and/or well done? If you're not interested don't feel forced to participate :)