Is it true that the Game Cryostasis only utilize one core processor?


Aug 30, 2008
The reason I'm asking is because I have a Quadcore Q9550 @ 2.8ghz, Nvidia GTX 260 Core 216 SC, 4gb Ram, Windows Vista 64bit.

If i put everything on High with AA On and 16x Anthostrophic and 1920x1200 resolution and Shaders 4.0;
the game runs kind of laggy not too much but you can see some glitches. I have to lower the resolution and turn AA off and Anthostrophics Off and lower Shaders to 3.0 so it can run smooth.

I don't understand because i can play Crysis everything High and runs Fine.

I think i should be able to play this game on max settings with my video card, since i checked the requirements of the game.

Has anyone played this game? what settings do you have and what are your Specs?


Nov 9, 2008
i have played the demo and found it to be poorly optimized by specs are Q6600 2.8, 4GB RAM and a 4870x2 and i got barely playable fps on similar settings to you thought it might be my drivers but it just really crappy. But keep on thing in mind: for Fps and third person games with the focus on smaller scale but better graphics are always more GPU dependent (this is why in benchmarks of crysis and other GPU dependent games the CPU type makes little difference really to the fps you get) and RTS CPU dependent so its unlikely to be a CPU thing.