Plants VS Zombies Who has Played it


Jul 8, 2009
It is decent. The demo lets you play for an hour and doesn't lock any features. It just simply locks after an hour of play. The gameplay is a tower defense style. Try it out.


Aug 10, 2007
Everyone should get this game, it's ridiculously fun for $10. Basically... the gameplay is as follows:

Each level has 5-6 lanes - straight line paths from the right of your screen (where the zombies come in from) to the left (where your house is... and as a result... YOUR BRAINS).

During the round, zombies spawn and walk straight down their lane, chomping whatever's in their way (there is 1 plant you can construct that pushes them into an adjacent lane, but that's unlocked quite a bit into the game).

You construct plants to combat the zombies. Plants generally fall into 4 catagories...
- Resource producing
- Direct damage (straight-line projectiles, usually)
- Protection (tough plants that don't attack but have tons of hit points)
- Utility

You get so much playtime for you money it's quite hilarious, and the tongue-in-cheek humour in the game is a nice little addition. Dancing zombie is awesome, yes?

Anyway, yes, buy it.