What's Your Game of Year?


Now it's December, and 2010's almost here. We'll see various publications naming their respective games of the year by this January at the latest. But we all know how they get things wrong right, at least from our personal perspectives, right?

So what's your pick for Game of the Year? To retain some comparative sense in this discussion, perhaps we should list at least three options, then discuss the reasoning behind our final picks, including criteria used? Allow me to begin:

Only Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age: Origins, and Modern Warfare 2 stood out for me over the last 11 months. L4D2 is proof that, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", tweaking and improving the uniquely cooperative multiplayer gameplay of its predecessor. DA:O meanwhile is straightforward and deep at the same time, and at the very least deserves one RPG of the year award.

But it's Modern Warfare 2 that's the game of the year for yours truly, simply because I've never gone through another single player campaign that was as engrossing as MW2's. We've all lost sleep on games, but never did MW2 make me feel like I was trudging through just to finish the game. It was a non-stop ride of defining gaming moments for me, and this doesn't even cover multiplayer.

What about you guys? What's your game of the year? :)


Well, it's part of the job, making sure everyone's got a reply... or at least tips on how to post here properly! :p

Oh yeah, why didn't I mention PvZ? You're right, in terms of sheer fun, L4D can't compare. It's also relatively easy to finish, and you don't have to spend hours at a time doing so. And when you're done with the campaign, those endless games (Vasebreaker, Survival, Puzzle) will keep you interested.

Fave zombie: the tribute to MJ :D


Jul 27, 2009
I have got to say without doubt, that Batman Arkham Asylum is not only GOTY, but one of the best games ever produced!

The graphics (on pc ofc.), the story, the acting, the gameplay, great replay value etc. - everything adds up to this wonderful title.

I have been gaming since the good old C64-days and I rarely play a game intensively for months, but this just speaks to me.



Jul 17, 2009
I think it's been an excellent year for PC games (the latter half anyway), but I have to say, Dragon Age: Origins sticks out for me. I've never been one to bang on about the quality of the writing, but DAO has characters that, for me, you do start to get involved with, and are far more three dimensional than most. Baldur's gate and NWN games got on my nerves with all the "Hey nonny nonny" nonsense, but I really enjoyed this.
Honourable mentions must go to Borderlands, the new Football Manager (never different enough to really be in the GOTY running), Empire: Total War, and Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Dragon Age. Having individual party members with their own morals is a huge step in story development, nevermind the story itself is epic.

MWII is nothing special; enter building-> Kill enemies -> Repeat. Only interesting missions were the first ice mission and the oil rig. Multiplayer is the same as MWI and Cod:WaW, with more cheaters thanks to VAC.

My choices:
PC: Dragon Age: Origins
PS3: Demons Souls, Uncharted 2, or Dragon Age: Origins
XBOX 360: ............I guess MWII due to lack of interesting games lately


Lemme guess @ChrisCornell, you ended dozing off at work? :lol:

I should consider getting a console @JofaMang!

@DeeTee_uk and @gamerk316, I'm nearly finished with DA: O and I see where you're both coming from. It was real satisfying to finally depose that damn traitor, and thanks to NPCs that actually have some depth, I'll probably go through the whole thing several times again after I finish the game. :D


Jun 14, 2009

As a lifetime RPG fan (Since Dragon Warrior and FF1 on NES anyhow), Demon's Souls would have prompted me to buy a PS3, had I not already owned one. All kinds of unorthodox awesome, and punishment.


Jul 27, 2009

LOL - Yeah English is not my first language :D What I should have said was:

I've been a gamer since the good old C64 days, and I've been playing Batman a couple of hours a day for the last couple of months.



Nov 17, 2009
i have to say Dragon Age. brilliant old school game. it brings a tear to the eye.

but modern warfare 2 is definately up there. must be one of the best action games ever. if only they hadn't released that pile of uncomplete trash MW1 - and merged both games together - that would have been something to behold. the main reason MW2 didn't win for me is because of the awesomeness of Dragon Age and the regression of online portion for PC gamers.

/rant seriously... peer 2 peer? thanks infinity ward, now i can play a game with a lightning fast 150ms ping!!! i wonder if the world will end in the year 2000... look out!! a dinosaur!! (not to mention the terribad console flavour and matchmaking system)...

just to compare to a good online game, on TF2 if you like a bunch of talkative and friendly players on a server - you can add the server to your favourites and go back to play with the same bunch... get to know them and have a laugh.

on MW2 socializing is strictly forbidden. you're thrown into a server, noone communicates besides the "NOOB" or random screaming in a foreign language. if you do find a lost soul who seems friendly, the score limit is reached and the round ends - then you get disconnected from the lobby before you can find his steam id. you click 'find game' and appear with a bunch of total strangers again. infinity ward weren't kidding when they said this would 'change the way online pc games are played'. they've been changed from great to crap. /endrant