
Jun 21, 2004

Is there a list and/or description of the BIOS error messages for the NF24ALH MOTHERBOARD.

Even though the system is working well I get the following message on bootup :

Primary IDE Channel no 80 conductor cable installed

My primary IDE supports two hard drives, niether of which SEEM to have a problem.

I also have a second, unrelated, bootup problem. Sometimes when I press the power button to boot the fans start to spin up and then everything switches off. Before I can try again I have to wait until the red PWR-LEAD on the bottom of the board goes out and unplug and reconnect the power cable. Just waiting and repressing the power button will not reboot. It seems as though there is a 'power' trip ~ but is it on the Motherboard or is it in the power supply?

Many thanks


Primary IDE Channel no 80 conductor cable installed

You have an old 40 wire IDE cable instead of newer 80 wire that support ata 100 and up. Maybe you are sunning an ATA100 HDD at ATA66 speed because the cable limits the data transfer speed. newer cable are only few cents.. do yourself a favor, and get the proper cable.

I can see you salvaged old parts fron an old system (40 wires cable), so I bet it is an old PSU..

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>


Jun 21, 2004
Thanks, I will change the cables, although they are reasonably new round cables, I hadn't realised that I needed use 80 wire cables.

Whilst I am 'careful' with money the power supply is new.


If it is new and round, maybe it is a 80 wire, but a low quality one. That will cause problem too. or you could try to push on the connector to have the wire to make better contact with the connector. But some cheap rounded cable seem to fail sooner, especially those provided with budget motherboard.

The PSU dont need to be new, it need to be good. I did replace a new cheap 450w PSU with an old quality 300w to have an A64 system to start..

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>