Running NWN on newer multi-core CPUS

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Sep 23, 2010
I've been able to get Neverwinter Nights I to run successfully on Windows 7 platform with an AMD 64 X2 6400+ 90nm by using process affinity through the task manager, but on my Vista platform laptop ( I think it has an M. Intel Core Duo 2.4 ghz. 60 nm ) it will not run.

I have to run the game in compatibility mode as admin for XP service pack 2 on both pcs, but for some reason my laptop will not let me change the processor affinity for the NWN application - so the game loads up and crashes.

I've tried debugging it by using microsoft visual studio, but it won't work so I can't figure out what exactly is crashing it - I think it is the CPU though, because my roomate has similar issues on his 60 nm build processor.

Anyone have insight into helping me get this to work?

The game version on both PCs is 1.69, which was the last patch to be released.

Oh and Bioware closed the Neverwinter Nights forums earlier this year, so I can't check for help there.

Thank you = )


Sep 23, 2010
Figured it out!

Here's the deal. Most of what I read suggested if you have a dual core processor, to turn off affinity by ( if you're using nwn 1.69 like you should ) going to the player ini file and setting client cpu affinity to -1. However! This simply turns off affinity, not the fact that your computer has multiple cores.

See the issue?

What you have to do, for a newer dual core processor is set the affinity to -2. This will disable affinity, and a core. If you have three cores, I imagine you would use -3. Don't quote me on this last part though.

If you have an nvidia gpu you then need to go into the nvidia control panel and select nwnmain.exe and turn threaded optimization off.

If you are using Vista or Windows 7, you have to run nwnmain.exe exactly, no shortcuts - from the parent directory where you installed the game. You also have to run it in XP SP2 as administrator.
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