Give ur top 5 games....


Nov 20, 2009
Well if its only PC games then i'd go

1. F.E.A.R
2. Rise of Nations Gold
3.Medal of Honor Allied Assault
4. The Last Remnant

If it includes consoles as well then

1. Zelda Link to the past
2. Final Fantasy X
3. River City Ransom
4. Grandia 2
5. Contra 3


Jun 2, 2010

probably the most FUN would be....

1. Warcraft 3(lan parties ftw)
2. Bad company 2
3. Medal of Honour: airborne.... ahhh I've spent 400 hours playing that game.... but my profile only says 13....
4. Battlefield 2.....
5. COD mw1


Aug 6, 2009
I find it funny that people have such a hard time following stipulations of the tread. Is it really that hard to count to 5? And no… a series doesn’t = a game.

My five in order of when I played them are:

Golden Eye – N64 – Huge game to gaming history and had so much fun playing 4x split screen knives or proximity mines.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – N64 – My first real RPG that I played all the way through. AWESOME game, had multiple play through and would still play it today.

Legends of Might and Magic – PC – This was a medieval CS ripoff. My first game to play online. My guild and I were ranked #1 for a long time and numerous times I was ranked 1-5 players in the game (only about 500 players total). So many good memories from a mediocre game.

WoW – PC – My first MMORPG. It introduced me to the genre and kept me hooked till half way through WotLK. Well done game, but eventually grew bored of reworked boss with new models and every class having same skills.

BFBC2 – PC – Best FPS I’ve played to date. MW1 would come in close second since it’s more steady action, but I love the tactical side of BFBC2 way more.


Nov 9, 2010
This is a bit biased, since our gaming puters have got better, so recent game developers have more of a chance ;) Still, my list has 2 titles from 1990's, the rest are more recent. You could say 3 are cult games, with only 1 mainstream, and 1 that was a cult game but is becoming mainstream.

My quick list:

1. Eve Online
2. World in Conflict
3. Battlefield 2
4. Battlezone (the 1998 remake)
5. M.A.X.

There are quite a few games that should get a honorable mention, too many I guess :D Titles like:

Terminus (best heir to Elite before Eve)
Archimedean Dynasty (very original setting, great athmosphere)
Boulderdash Construction Kit (on C64, probably the best game of that platform)
Tribes 2 (just nice overall, didn't make my list)
Warhead (original, great athmosphere again ;) was on Amiga, space combat with very realistic physics)
Elite (didn't realize its value back in the day)
Hind (best simulator, variable missions, dynamic battlefield. AND HELO COMBAT UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL! :sol: )
Steel Panthers 2
PSI-5 (unique, another C64 game)
Stunts (awesome car game considering it was the very early 1990s, nice tracks with loops, jumps etc)
Titans of Steel (best mech strategy game, a lot of tactical features)


Oct 26, 2010

thank you


Jul 18, 2010
I used to play games on PC because PC gives far more better graphics than Xbox 360 and PS3,
My top five games (PC) are given below:
*Assassins Creed 2. (story is powerfull n gameplay is good)
*Battlefield Bad Company 2.
*GTA 4. (although it was a big disappointment on PC due to its bad coding but if u have high-end PC then there is no problem.its gameplay,the physics applied in game,its story all are fantastic).
*Batman Arkham Asylum.
*Medal Of Honor.

Others are:
*COD Black Ops.
*COD MW 2.etc.
*Hitman Series


Oct 23, 2009
1 Battlefield 2142

Got me back into gaming after a number of years off, and was the first experience of 48 player online play and use of VOIP to communicate.

2 Left 4 Dead 2

For the variety from the normal fps types, and the teamwork that is required to play well.

3 Mario Kart (SNES)

I spent hours playing the battle mode against my room mate at uni. First to 99 was a common scenario late into the night. The game was addictive and we were evenly balanced as players. We unfortunately lost him to cancer in my final year and so I'll always treasure those memories of late night beers, massive pizza orders and endless gaming.

4 Doom2 (PC)

The first PC game I ever played. Single player at the time but then went on to deathmatch over null modem, then 4 way serial play.

5 Street Fighter 2 (SNES)

For the same reasons as Mario Kart


Sep 3, 2010

1. Half Life 2 Series
2. Half Life 1 Series
3. Cod 7
4. Far Cry 2
5. Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2


Oct 5, 2008
1. World of Warcraft - just in terms of total hours of real enjoyment per £ spent, this beats everything. YMMV significantly.
2. Counterstrike (pre-source) - hundreds of hours online and on LAN, never the same round twice
3. Civilisation (any would do, but 2 is always the first one I think of) - never has a game had a higher chance to change "One more round" into "oh dear, it's 5am"
4. TIE Fighter - Fly for the empire, wreak havoc for the emperor's cult, and the first time they give you a craft with shields, practically wet yourself with glee.
5. Knights of the old republic. Trying to choose ONE single-player RPG for this was really, really hard. Fable got a look-in, KOTOR2 was let down by its unfinished plot, ES series were always too big for their plot IMO, DA:O has too many annoying moments, the only real contenders were KOTOR for PC and Legend of Mana for SNES, so I thought I'd stick with PC :D


Nov 18, 2010
1. Company of Heroes (the series)
2. Call of Duty : Modern Warfare (the series)
3. Pro Evolution Soccer (the series)
4. Crysis (the series)
5. Collin McRae : Dirt 2

I can't separate series game like CoH, CoD Modern Warfare and PES.


Oct 30, 2010
1.) EVE Online (IMO one of the best games ever released... Ever. (repeation for emphasis))

2.) BFBC2 (Not so much simulation that it is boring, but not so much arcade it is annoying)

3.) Zelda Ocarina of Time (Great story, Big World, and pretty good graphics. One of the best games created, and it was for the 64)

4.) James Bond Golden Eye

5.) Mario Kart (N64) (This and James Bond were great fun to play with the family. Competitive, fun twists, but yet without a lot of the annoyances of modern versions of the games.)

(I really enjoyed Donkey Kong 64 too, but I liked these other ones much more.


Nov 22, 2010
Mine are..
1. Max Payne I - best atmosphere for a game, it made me feel that im really in the dark slums of NY plus the style, the story and the "MODABILITY" - best single player experience for me
2. Tradewinds 2 - the only game that made me interested in economy. i actually thought of buying and selling goods to different states so I can be rich. lol
3. Modern Warfare 2 - modern warfare 1 is ok but 2 is a lot better, best fps experience. Soap is one og the coolest game characters for me even if he only appeared in 2 games, technically 1 game cause you cant see him in part 1. =)
4. Sims 1 - "video game is an escape in reality" as far as that saying goes, Sims is an alternate reality.
5. Hitman Series - all games at the same level for me exept Code name 47. Coolest bald guy since Mr. Clean. LOL!!