
I'm new to this, so your' patience and help is greatly appreciated...
I've just got a ECS K7VZA with Thunderbird 1133Mhz 1.13Ghz 266FSB CPU...
My question is on the capabilities of the motherboard. Does this board really support a 266 FSB, it seems ambiguous as it has markings on it for 133FSB.
A secondary question is whether I should even concern myself with this issue...the difference between 133 and 266 FSB.
Thanks in advance


Jan 16, 2001
Actually, it's sort of the same thing. The new Athlons have a 133 MHz FSB, but it's "double-pumped." Most of the marketing people just go ahead and muliply it by 2 because it's double pumped and call it 266, that way they can claim a "266 MHz FSB," but in reality it's really only a 133.
Intel does the same thing with their Pentium 4. It only has a 100 MHz FSB, but it's quad-pumped, so they call it a "400 MHz bus."
This is what happens when you let marketing people describe technology...

<i>I don't know anything about computers... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...</i> :lol: