Having trouble with MOH Airborne gameplay. Spins to the left in a circ


Sep 20, 2011
I have installed, uninstalled this game a number of times. I even got in touch with the person I bought it from on Amazon.com.
He sent me a brand new copy and I went through the instll process again only to find out that it does the same thing. I have a Radeon HD5450 graphics card and a dual core processor. I can run BFBC2 at balanced settings without a single glitch, so I know that this is not a hardware or keyboard or a mouse issue, even so i tried swaping them out anyway. The damn thing just sits there and spins. The first training mission where you have to jump out of the plane three times, hes talking to you and then as soon as you get control of your man, his eyes dart left and hold steady. I can manage to get him out of the plane, but cannot steer because hes just freaking spinning. someone please help this is my second copy of this game and I was really looking forward to playing it.


Jun 4, 2011
I have a 5450 too, maybe it's because of your graphics card? My Black Ops freezes even on 800x600 resolution and I plan on upgrading to a 4670. I have an Athlon X3 440 @3.0ghz
Try setting the compatibility of Medal of Honor to WinXP service pack 3


Sep 20, 2011
I messed with this thing for days. When it was all said and done, two copys of moh A. later, I was so pissed that I was starting to rip the wires out to throw the damn thing, there was something not meshing well with my logitech 3d pro joystick and luck would have it that I pulled that one first. My guy was spinning fast as *** to the left, and he just stopped. I coulndt believe it. I never thought about it because you dont need one for that game, it stays plugged in. Anyway, thanks for your quick response and we'll talk atcha next time.