
Dec 1, 2001

I've got a problem that I hope you can help me with.

In my computer I got a Asus P3V4X motherboard and Asus V8200 T2 Deluxe and Win XP, Win2K Server OS.. The problem I have is that I can't get my motherboard to work in AGP 4x mode, it'll only work in AGP 2x according to Asus Probe V2.14.04. I've uppgraded my Bios with the p3v4x105.awd file and inside the BIOS it's configured to AGP 4x mode. I've installed nVidias latest Detonator 21.83 drivers and the VIA 4.35 AGP drivers. I also tried NvMax 3.00.72b to force my card to run in AGP 4x but nothing is currently helping.

So how or what should I do make it work in AGP 4x mode?

Regards/ Peter