A7M266 Problems with Asus Probe



Good day to all,

I built an AMD 1Ghz(266) system 4 mths agon using Asus A7M266 mobo. The performance is generally good. However recently I faced 2 problems:

1) When I opened up too many Internet Windows, this error message: Asus Probe2 X Canvas does not allow drawing will pop up a lot of times and the contents of the Internet will become rubbish. I'm using Internet Explorer 4.0 and Win98. Is there any solution to this?

2)Upon startup without running any applications, the memory used indicated by the Asus Probe is about 50%. I have Task scheduler, Norton antivirus and some other small programs at the task bar. My memory is Kingston 256M DDR Ram. Does it mean that before I start running applications, I've used up 128M of ram? If so, how do computers with only 32M ram operate?

I'm not that knowledgable about computer so I hope that I'll be able to get some advice here. Thanks in advance.


Dec 31, 2007
its possible taht your using that amount of memory... virus scanners arnt particularly small.

personally though i would forget asus probe.
get something else like motherboard monitor or task monitor.

asus probe is pretty crap.

Excuse me for a moment. I need to drive my ergonomic wheely chair over a sheet of bubble wrap!


Thanks Ihgpoobaa, think I will scrap that Asus Probe and put it in the junkyard.