2 1/2 yr old (Move or Kinect?)


Jan 8, 2012
I have a 2 1/2 yr old and I want to buy him a game console.

I want either a ps3 move or kinect since i will be playing adult games on it moderately as well.

I do have a townhome and the system will be in my living room so there is plenty of room.

My biggest concern is which game console will be a better fit for my toddler for now and the near future as far as ease of play and availability of games for this age group.

What are some other factors i have to look for.

Could you guys point me to the right direction?

Is the move controller hard for a toddler to operate?

I heard kinect has a lag issue in the movements and is not as accurate as the move so I dont know which one to get.

Also are there any good deals out there?


Nov 7, 2011
wouldnt you say hes just a tad young? maybe a Leapfrog? of course a move controller is going to be hard to operate, he's two. and yes, Kinect is laggy and often inaccurate (it misinterprets movements). i think the concept in general may be a bit too much for a toddler, its hard enough for an adult to learn.


Jan 8, 2012

If he is smart enough to use my Tablet (I mean turning on games, pausing them, start netflix, pick a movie and watch it, scroll through pages, play diversion, angry birds, racing games etc.) then I think he ll be fine with a game console..


Jan 25, 2012
I'd suggest a wii. Nintendo caters alot more to the younger kids unlike sony and microsoft. If you do not go with the wii your gonna be hard pressed to faind games that is within his age group to be honest.


Jan 8, 2012

I appreciate your opinion.

if I go with the wii, i dont know if he can operate the remote.

if I go with the kinect, there is no remote but then as you said, there is less games. so I dont know .. lol



Nov 7, 2011
thats pretty impressive, i guess im not used to the capabilities of young-uns. yea, wii has more games for the young crowd, but if he can operate a tablet then its probably not too far out of his reach. with a Move or Kinect, it would have more long term appeal with the game selection, but that doesnt help you now. do you know anyone who owns Move or Wii? it would be nice to demo it first.
if you want to play adult games as well as him using it then i would rule out the wii--wii games are fun and active but

not really aimed at serious gamers

why not take him to a local store where he can try out the consoles?

most major retailers have a demo machine specifically so you can try before you buy


We have a 3 1/2 year old and a six year old, my husband plays modern warfare three endlessly on the xbox so we have that console, we got the Kinex for christmas but it is really hard for it to find my son because he is so low down and his avatar is always knealing down! great for me and my daughter to play i think its not the ability of the child....they are better than us at this stuff... but the ability of the console to pick up a small person and a big person at the same time, saying that we have the zoom function on ours as our living room is small so this may be affecting its capabilities. I think Wii is better for kids I have no experience of the ps3 system although personally that is my favorite brand but then i dont play it for 4 hrs a night!!!!!