Flimsy cooler



Has anyone else noticed the appliance of a rather flimsy cooler and fan on an Asus V6800 Deluxe, on the nVidia Geforce 256 chip? Mine would stop working when the 'GPU' would get hot (when using it for 3D that is). Its temperature would never go below 55 degrees Celcius, and it has run at a 100 deg C at some point.

The fan would stop turning at some 70 degrees C, and after three months of work, it wouldn't even start anymore. Now, I have sent it back to Asus, and am awaiting the return of an otherwise very good 3D card. So, consult your Asus SmartDoctorand tell everyone if your fan is working correctly!


Dec 31, 2007
I had the same problem with the V6800

What I noticed was that the fan was rotating the wrong way.
I was getting no less than 55o C, and getting bleeding textures in most 3d games and applications.

This happened withing the first hour of getting the card, so within 2 weeks of putting up with this, i got back to the place that i had brought it from and told them about this.

I got it exchanged, and a new card sent to me. The very first thing I noticed was that the fan was about twice the size, and actually rotating the right way.
I have had no problems since.

I suggest you check to see if this is the problem.


Dec 31, 2007
I've got a 120mm blowhole that blows directly on my V6800, so I don't care which way the fan turns :). Seriously though, I wonder if Asus did this on a lot of cards...


buy a blue orb, they are around ten bucks, and worth every penny, I put one on my Elsa Gladiac and it is rock solid at 225 core and 403 memory, I got my orb from www.thecardcooler.com