Diamond Viper V770 (TNT2)


Dec 31, 2007
I am using a plain old Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 (NOT ultra) AGP graphics card.
i have 2 questions about it.

1. i tried using the Detonator 3 drivers when they were first released, and saw little improvement and regular lockups.
Are the detinator 3 drivers mature yet (bug less) and do the show ANY performance increase in the TNT2?
2. Im overclocking it just a TAD using TNTCLK. the default settings are a core speed of 125Mhz and memory of 150Mhz.
using TNTCLK i have got them reliably up to 157 and 205 respectivly.
remember the TNT2 ships WITHOUT a fan, only a heatsink.
QUESTION.... am i sane doing this without a fan? or will it burn out in a couple of days/weeks? if not what would be a good compromise?
p.s. i have also reduced some of the latencies considerably, but image quality remains good.
thanx in advance,



I also had bad sys crashes with the det3 drivers and couldn't return from standby or susspend, it would lock in the black screen.
What is this TNTCLk? I have the same card, just wondering . Thanks