Games classification based on system requirements


Jan 30, 2012
Hi, I'm searching for a website that would classify video games based on their system requirements. I was kind of surprised I didn't find any with a quick search in google, since so many pc hardware sites use games to benchmark video cards...
Sorry, it does not work like that.

You need to know the hardware you have and compare that to the system requirements of the game. Unfortunately, some publishers do not clearly state what the system requirements are making it difficult for you to know if you can play the game or not.

When in doubt do a Google search on "name of game" and "system requirements". For example, if you cannot find the system requirements for Battlefield 3, then do a Google search on the following:

battlefield 3 system requirements

You can also try the following site to help you out.

Or you can simply post a question here about a specific game and list your hardware.


Jan 30, 2012

Well, thankfully, usually they do. And if not, there are indeed sites like systemrequirementslab.

But I need something different. If you want the specifics :
System 1 : Desktop : AMD Athlon II X3 435, Radeon HD 5770, 8 Gb RAM. (I already have that)
System 2 : Laptop : Intel Core i5 (2nd generation), GeForce GT 540M/630M, 4Gb RAM. (I plan to buy something like this, see here :

Needed - A list of all the games that can't be run on system 2 at max/recommended/min settings, but can be run on system 1 on max/recommended/min settings.
(Optional - A list of all the games that can't be run on system 1 at max/recommended/min settings.)

There are already several databases comparing processors and graphic cards -

Why would not exist a similar database for games?


Mar 11, 2012
I'd recommend the following:

The game-o-meter is easy to use, basically a simplified version of futuremark's benchmarking tools, and tells you quickly enough what you can expect.

Also an additional big plus lies on games they reviewed themselves. Instead of blindly copying the publishers minimum and recommended specs they also include fair minimum and recommended specs lying far closer to the truth of what's actually playable.

As for the reason why you can't really make a benchmark list out of things like this, there's just too many hardware combinations possible. There's not just a system 1, 2 and 3. But there's also a system 38390204820 and system 38390204821. YouGamers and systemrequirementslab is going to be the closest you'll get.


Jan 30, 2012
I tried yougamers too. Sadly:
- It doesn't work in Opera.
- When I use it in IE, it still only displays whether I can run the game when I click on it, not when I'm looking at the list.
- Most important of all, it's no use to me if I want to know which games will, and which won't run on my future laptop, since there's no way (that I found) to make it use for comparisons a custom system that is NOT the one you're using at the moment...