Blacklight Retribution - Go check it out. It's F2P and...gasp, fun!


Apr 16, 2009
If you haven't already, and you enjoy competative multiplayer, grab this game. You have no reason not to. I can honestly say that I am quite impressed with it. Caught me off guard a bit as I didn't expect something as fun as it actually is.

My only gripe is that there are only 6 maps at the moment. But on the positive side, all 6 of those maps are very well designed. There are numerous routes to the objectives and have been designed with some verticle play in mind. If the devs support this game with new maps and content, I can see playing it for quite some time.

Oh, and while it's free to play, it is NOT pay-to-win like some might expect. They did an outstanding job balancing this out so you can compete even if you don't invest a penny into the game. I've already got about 20 hours logged into this game and I can't wait to play more. Kind of a mix between CoD and Crysis 2 multiplayer. A very nice change of pace from the same 'ole CoD.

Anyone else tried it yet? Thoughts?


Apr 16, 2009
No single player. It is multiplayer only. It is free, so it still may be worth checking out in the event the game does appeal to you. No loss to you, other than the time to download it. ;)