Why I never saw cheater in American made online games than Korean MMO


Mar 25, 2012
This is weird, I had playing Counter-Strike since few year ago with online play and it nothing people use cheat on the server which I playing here. But after I move to Korean MMOFPS game, there too much cheater on Korean MMOFPS game which distributed on my country (the Korean MMO game was distributed each region), I play on different server but I saw cheater again so it make me upset. I have to wondering why American online games has no cheater than imported MMO games from Korean. Here's the factor cause cheater widespread:
1. People traits (each people has different traits)
2. Cultural difference in each country
3. Emotional control (ex, the people lost the match so he upset then he use the cheat)
4. People want solving it, doing it, get it, or something is instant (due impatient on one people) (ex, he want to get higher rank on game with instant way by using cheat)
5. Build quality on MMO games and cheat protector (most Korean made MMO games has worst to medium build quality)
6. Do you want to killing the "Cheat Engine"?

But I just saw the cheat tools to bypassing the two Korean anti-cheat rootkit (nProtect GamGuard and AhnLab HackShield) even Valve Anti Cheat can be bypass with this tool which I talking about (however I rarely saw the cheater on Counter-Strike). But according on my opinion the factor cause cheater can bypass the anti-cheat rootkit is manufacturer quality issues, it recommended to closing down the server to recalling the anti-cheat rootkit then re-engineering the anti-cheat rootkit.

If you have the critics and suggestion post here...
you will get cheats no matter where your play or where your server is hosted...
some do it because they cant compete and think because they cant shoot straight the game should be made easier for them. others do it just to get on your nerves and because they like to spoil a game that they cant win on (ie if they cant win then they will spoil the game for every 1 else). and the last group are the donuts, guys who play the game on kit that just cant handle it. they think they are evening things up because they cant play properly because they have to much lag... there all prats and will get banned at 1 time or another...


Mar 25, 2012
If they can't compete with the, it should goodly don't play the online game and it should they training themselves... Otherwise, if MMO games too much cheater it must be recalled (closing it down). If they got lag, should not play on lowest ping otherwise it lag.


Feb 17, 2012
Cheaters blow. I did one time make 30-something head shots in a row on Metro when I cornered the other team on the metro map.. got permanant ban for cheating... but I wasn't cheating. Best round I'll ever have.... couldn't miss with the m98


Mar 12, 2012
I have seen plenty of cheaters on US based online games. I remember my first experience playing Diablo on battlenet. It was an eye-opener. As long as someone can find a way to be more "powerful" than other players or make real money, there will be cheaters.


Feb 17, 2012

amazing how some folks work so hard all their lives while others work so hard not to work hard that they end up putting out the same energy and then some.
One of the things to point out, "cheaters" are a lot more obvious in MMOs plus they are a lot easier to come by. Why, because a typical MMO population on a server is several times bigger than any FPS server. So, because of that you are likely to see less cheaters in FPS than in MMO. Smaller population means that the cheater can be dealt with faster by admin, and the less time it takes for admin to deal with cheater the less cheaters there will be.