Do you guys play minecraft? if so what have you built recently? even if its not super amazingly great id still love to see it.

I don't really have anything to show except a 4x4 house so I just threw the toms logo into Spritecraft and came up with this.



^black block on end was to demonstrate how big that thing is, its 400x400
Thanks guys, it wasn't done by hand, had help of a program. That was to hopefully get some of the local toms users creations up here.

I love seeing other peoples works, even more so when its semi personal.

Here is a pic of my personal world



Hah yeah everytime I want to quit playing I see awesome castles or something and it sucks me right back in, then I remember I don't have the patience for that kinda thing.

I just remembered I didn't select discussion for the thread type, is there any way to change that now that I made the thread?