Conductive Silver Adhesive



Is there a store that sells this or something similar? Online searches have revealed commercial companies willing to sell silver adhesives but in great quantity. I just need an ounce as I'm sure all of you know. With all of the posting on overclocking it seems this stuff must not be too hard to find....But I'm have a real hard time.

just a silver line away from 2000...


"Negligible electrical conductivity. Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity. Even though Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is specifically engineered for high electrical resistance, it should be keep away from electrical traces, pins, and leads. The cured adhesive is slightly capacitive and could potentially cause problems if it bridged two close-proximity electrical paths."

This stuff is meant to be used as the thermal paste between the cpu and the cooler... Hopefully this will not have caused anyone trouble.