Good gaming mouse?


Jun 30, 2009
In the market for a good quality gaming mouse. Looking at replacing my existing CM Sentinel Advanced cause the left/ right buttons have become a bit unresponsive. Plus, not been too happy with the sensitivity of the twin lasers off late.

I have a tendency of hard pressing the click buttons (index and middle finger) so whatever I'm gonna get needs to be more durable in that regard. I'm also mostly into fps and rpg's, not much into mmo's (barring L4D2 occasionally) so guess the 15/ 20 button schemes aren't too useful for me! But 2-3 buttons on the left side are a must! Also, I have a 'claw' grip of sorts.

Any suggestions? Not looking at crossing the $100 mark, but won't mind exploring options even over that provided it doesn't break the account!

As always, thanks! :)

EDIT: I know that the logitech G9x laser is a favored champ, but was looking at exploring some new tech....if possible!

EDIT 2: Oh, and it needs to be a wired mouse! Not a fan of wireless!
there are plenty of $100 mice but very few are any good... if your heavy handed then your gonna have issues regardless and would be much better served by getting a more basic more robust model. something made of aluminum or steel for the chassis.
high end mice makers like razer are notoprious for there less than robust mice. but logitech do make a fair few decent 1s. the g500 and g9 are 2 very well made mice but there not what your after...
the cyborge rat is unlikley to be robust enough although a fair amount of it is metal.
if you get a higher end 1 like the contagion/infection
bmw just releases a very nice looking mouse also pretty robust and well engineered... its in partnership with thermaltake.,9-Y-321766-13.jpg i dunno how robust the final product was but toms seemed to like it and if its propper german engineering then it will be tough.
but the best thing you can do for selecting a mouse is go to a shop and pick 1 that you find there... its pointless buying something because you saw a picture of it... because you have no idea how it feels in your hand....



Jun 30, 2009

I did like the Tt esports one (the thermaltake+BMW one) and was just glancing through some reviews. Not getting much accurate reviews, just general overviews. While it looks cool and all, would it be a good choice? My main concern apart from durability is the grip. Would this be a good option for someone with a claw grip? Plus, The its got some unneeded stuff, like 8200 dpi....heck, I've barely ever gone over 3500 on the CM Sentinel! :) I dunno, what's your take on it??

I agree with you that it's ideal to go to a shop and try out the product first hand. Sadly, I'm running close to 10-12 hours at work so going to a store has been kinda difficult off late. Plus, I'll need to buy it quick because my rxisting one is no fun! :( I'll need to rely on reviews and Tom's for the purchase.


Apr 19, 2011
i would have gone with razor naga... oh wait , i did lol. it is a good mouse, dont understand why everybody thinks just because it has a bunch of keys its only for a mmo. it works for skyrim, bf3, l4d2, you name it.


Jun 30, 2009

Then it should suit me because I'm mostly (95%) into FPS. Very rarely do I venture out into MMO's and never into RTS. Plus, the extra set of buttons on the M90 looked pretty useless for my limited purpose, hence the M60. :) Hope the M60 truns out a worthwile choice!


Jun 30, 2009

The reason I'm not too fond of the 'extra' buttons on the mouse is because I've never really felt their absence. I'm most comfy using the keyboard for that. For eg, in Skyrim (which is my most frequented title) I've never felt the need of extra mouse buttons because everything I need to use is pretty conveniently set out on the keyboard (courtesy the macro keys on my Blackwidow).

Perhaps, since I haven't given an MMO type mouse a go, I might not be knowing the difference. But it's all been working out pretty good for me so far, without the MMO type mice. Any insights on MMO mice?


Apr 19, 2011
ya, i dont have macro keys, but like in skyrim i have all my most used spells and weapons mapped to those keys, bf3 same thing, all weapons and equipment on them. solid mouse in my opinion, but like you said you have macro keys so it would likely be overkll.