How to keep Mordin Solus alive in ME3?


May 20, 2012
This question has probably been asked before but I've started to play Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3 again and I want to keep Mordin Solus alive in ME3 this time. It was a upsetting moment for me. :( So how do I go about keeping him alive? In detail if possible, please. :D

Oh, is it possible to keep everyone alive?


Feb 26, 2011
I dont believe there is , Its a point in the game where he sacrifices himself no matter what you do. I know other characters you have a choice, but with him there is no way.
there is a way. the thing is you have to accept the dalatrass deal to trick the krogan that the genophage has been cured. that was the starting point but there some other condition must be meet as well. as for the specific you can check the guide out there. but doing so (saving mordin) will forced shepard to kill wrex later as the story progress. so far i haven't seen any method to keep both of them alive. so in the end either wrex or mordin.


May 20, 2012

Thanks, man! I guess I will lie about the cure... If I lie to the Krogan will it be a renegade option? Because I'm more of a paragon person.
I believe the only way to save Mordin is to kill Wrex in ME1. Wrex's brother Wreave would then take his place in ME2 and ME3. In addition, the genophage cure research in ME2 must be destroyed. Lastly, your Paragon or Renegade rank must be high enough to convince Mordin not to implement the cure. Mordin will then go on and join the research project; I forget what it is called...
No, you cannot keep every single member you have recruited throughout the game alive. As stated above, your actions determines if Wrex or Mordin lives through the trilogy. Both cannot be alive, but both can be dead.

Legion dies. There is nothing you can do. It is scripted into the story.

Thane dies. That too is scripted into the story.

If you recruited Morinth (by killing Samara) she too dies. You fight her on Earth because she has been turned into a Banshee.

Lastly, as you know either Ashley or Kaidan from ME1 can survive ME1.


Mar 23, 2016
I think the the best is when mordin die for cure genophage. Mordin said his age only several years left. (salarian on live for 40 years old). My opinion that genophage is wrong. only one good birth in 1000? that very bad. Everyone should give chance for Krogan to change their attitude to other species. Expecially as Wrex as leader. Wrex said that he want to do better for Krogan not like the old time. With mordin die for cure genophage, he is a hero for krogan and for the war againts Reaper