Call of Duty 5 Coop Problems


Aug 12, 2012
Well, when i refresh my servers to play Coop zombies or campaign, no servers show up? Why is this and is there a solution? Please help me this is the 3rd post and on the others ive had NO answers, just people reading and leaving, and i reallllly need the help.
look in your instruction manual and make sure the ports listed there are open in the firewall. if there not set for both udp and tcp then set them. it could also be that there are no servers within your ping limit so they dont show up. also make sure you are on the rite server tab with the correct options enabled and disabled.
lastly check pbbans to see if you have a guid that has been banned. you can get your guid of sites like game tracker. by enetring your gamer tags in the user search. if you have managed to connect to any server in the past and played at least 20 mins you should be able to find yourself.