Windows Update SP2 Problems



Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 (More info?)

Windows Update SP2--------- What a problem!!!!!

First attempt really screwed up my computer. I eventurllay had to
reformat it and lost alot of valuable information.

Second attempt after reformatting: It installed correctly.
However, our computer is set up for three persons, on the opening of
the windows xp screen (home(. If I click on my icon, all I get is
the screensaver with no start button or any other icons at all. The
only way to turn it off is to press and hold the power button until it
goes off.

The other two users have no problems with regard to having the start
button or other icins. (they are there as they are suppose to be).
What happened to my start button and icons?

Maria Brown


Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 (More info?)

When people tell of losing information because of needing to reformat I
always wonder why they don't partition their hard drives or install a second
hard drive and put all their data on a drive other than C:, I have done
this for years and it certainly saved my stuff when I had an unexpected
problem installing a new video card and the Gateway store reformatted it
when they fixed it.

In, <> stated
| Windows Update SP2--------- What a problem!!!!!
| First attempt really screwed up my computer. I eventurllay had to
| reformat it and lost alot of valuable information.
| Second attempt after reformatting: It installed correctly.
| However, our computer is set up for three persons, on the opening of
| the windows xp screen (home(. If I click on my icon, all I get is
| the screensaver with no start button or any other icons at all. The
| only way to turn it off is to press and hold the power button until it
| goes off.
| The other two users have no problems with regard to having the start
| button or other icins. (they are there as they are suppose to be).
| What happened to my start button and icons?
| Maria Brown