Mobile Gaming Holds Brighter Future for Nvidia

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Mar 10, 2011
Looking back to the monster gaming rig sitting on the stage at ECGC 2011, and Tony Tamasi saying that there will always be a market for the enthusiast PC gamer, the idea of smartphones and tablets actually eclipsing the PC sector just seems a little farfetched.

Thank you. Just "a little"? Lol.

As long as nVidia and AMD keep making kick-ass GPUs, I'm fine - branch out to tablets and phones all you like.


Jul 22, 2009
It IS a little far-fetched. The real estate and available power supply inside a PC affords you access to technology that simply will not fit inside a tablet without cutting it right down, and if things get smaller, who's to say they won't pack more inside the PC? Sure, PCs are still centred around an archaic layout, but more and more people are using uITX and mATX boards, newer breeds of CPU (and APU) are cutting down on motherboard complexity, and the number of ports, most of which you WILL use at some point, is getting larger. Some tablets don't even have room for expansion. Tablets also cost more than a decent HTPC which, albeit not mobile, will outclass the tablet in every area except power usage.


Apr 27, 2010
PC today is so powerful than say 10 years ago.. but still far from the dreaming of virtual realism gaming. So please keep the cpu and gpu inovates, PC wont end soon.


Jul 22, 2009
LOL. Greener future? Fermi wasn't exactly meeting the environmental nor economical targets that NVIDIA might have set itself. GT110 is a major improvement, though.


Jul 16, 2009
[citation][nom]greghome[/nom]cough * AMD FUsion * cough * Intel's IGPs are leaping real quick * cough*[/citation]
Um, r u ok? Sounds like you need a cough drop or something.


Jul 22, 2009
NVIDIA face a very tough fight in the lower end of the market. Intel have more than half the IGP market thanks to HD Graphics but AMD's Bobcat and Llano have better graphics and are selling very well. NVIDIA cannot directly compete in this area as they don't own a x86 licence. Even if they were to go with an ARM-based APU, it's not going to happen overnight.

There will still be lots of people wanting low-to-mid discrete offerings with their CPUs, but it's a trend that is starting to wane and NVIDIA risk being forced out of the most lucrative segment of the market (as do a good number of graphics card producing firms, sadly).


Mar 10, 2011
cough * AMD FUsion * cough * Intel's IGPs are leaping real quick * cough*

Oh, for hell's sake, can everyone STOP talking about Fusion? It's USELESS! If you're not a gamer, Intel IGP is enough for everything - YouTube, HD videos, Aero... Fusion just takes it up on a new level that is not enough to run games properly but is overkill for an average consumer, so it's not needed.


Nov 28, 2008
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]Oh, for hell's sake, can everyone STOP talking about Fusion? It's USELESS! If you're not a gamer, Intel IGP is enough for everything - YouTube, HD videos, Aero... Fusion just takes it up on a new level that is not enough to run games properly but is overkill for an average consumer, so it's not needed.[/citation]
Think laptops, think portable. They DO need the graphics muscles in some instances. Not everyone needs to play games maxed out.
Moreover, the Fusion you see today is just the beginning.


Jan 23, 2009
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]Oh, for hell's sake, can everyone STOP talking about Fusion? It's USELESS! If you're not a gamer, Intel IGP is enough for everything - YouTube, HD videos, Aero... Fusion just takes it up on a new level that is not enough to run games properly but is overkill for an average consumer, so it's not needed.[/citation]
if your not a gamer intel IGP is enough, yes. But if you are a gamer, intel IGP is useless. I have an A4 laptop, which I bought in an emergency,it can run every game in xbox 360 quality. By that mean bioshock maxed, valve games maxed, and dead space nearly high with a good 30fps, and thats the weakest llano. its able to run games properly, and is not very slow either. also for the average consumer, the llanos 6 hours battery life kills intels. plz dont be that much of a troll and appreciate the jumps in tech.

its clear that the mobile market is rising, but I dont think nvidia should consentrate that much on phones and tablets. I think phone and tablet gaming is gonna die soon because sooner or later, people are going to start missing buttons. Touch screen gaming aint that fun. Itd be interesting to see nvidia release a mainstream low power discrete card for laptops to be included in mainstream intel machines. One that can play alot of games good. But as of now, itll be pretty hard for anyone to slow down AMD and its APU invasion, where budget mobile gaming is concerned.


Nov 21, 2009
I'm from Texas, and we like our computers as big as possible. If I could get an ENIAC and use it, I would. So for me, desktop PCs are here to stay. :)


he contradicting himself first he says this
" there will always be a market for gamers who want the industry's fastest GPUs and CPUs installed in their PCs."

Then he says this
"tanek added that it will be a while before tablets and mobile phones become proper gaming devices, but it won't be too long before they eclipse the Nintendo 3DS and Sony's upcoming PlayStation Vita. Strangely enough, he even said that they will eventually eclipse the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the PC itself.".

Their is a reason why nvidia is not in consoles and their is also a reason why Intel laptops almost always has Amd graphics no a days. because nvidia design uses more power and run hotter then Amd's


Feb 4, 2011
Why is it that the PC is always so easy to target as the next thing to be phased out? It seems like it's the cool thing to say these days. I think it's funny because most of these ideas come from PC's themselves. Whenever a new product is realized, it's rendered from a Desktop PC. Whenever a console game is made, it uses rendering tools on a PC. The PC is never going to go away for the mere fact that everything we use today is first realized on the PC itself. It is the chicken and everything else is the egg.


Oh, for hell's sake, can everyone STOP talking about Fusion? It's USELESS! If you're not a gamer, Intel IGP is enough for everything - YouTube, HD videos, Aero... Fusion just takes it up on a new level that is not enough to run games properly but is overkill for an average consumer, so it's not needed.

And a I3 is not overkill for the average consumer. the average consumer will play a game over converting a file any day!

Some how people think average people don't like to play games on the PC's and their wrong lots of people play wow,sims,AOE,and csi(even my mom does) but i don't know to many people that use their CPU much but i know even farmville puts the Intel HD 2000 at 60+%. Sims 3 uses 40% of my 6950.

Average person would love llano over a I3 because not only does Amd system do more a consumer would do it also looks better and has almost perfect Quality compared to Intel or even nvidia.

I don't think nvidia future is to bright and i don't feel the Project Denver is going to make it on windows 8 sorry but i feel Intel and Amd are going to show Arm+nvidia their place on a windows machine.

People were complaining about vista and how their current programs not always worked well. Arm design can't run x86 so how do you think people will take it when they find out their software can't run on it. Unless arm is loved so much that every programmer will make a version for Arm i feel its going under.


Why is it that the PC is always so easy to target as the next thing to be phased out? It seems like it's the cool thing to say these days. I think it's funny because most of these ideas come from PC's themselves. Whenever a new product is realized, it's rendered from a Desktop PC. Whenever a console game is made, it uses rendering tools on a PC. The PC is never going to go away for the mere fact that everything we use today is first realized on the PC itself. It is the chicken and everything else is the egg.

Really i agree 100+%


Mar 10, 2011
Average person would love llano over a I3 because not only does Amd system do more a consumer would do it also looks better and has almost perfect Quality compared to Intel or even nvidia.

What did you smoke? Please DO share, seems like good stuff. How does "AMD system look better and has better build quality"? The only thing from AMD is the CPU, and that doesn't have much in terms of looks. And as far as quality, I'd rather trust Intel than AMD, though I'm not saying that AMD is bad.

I don't think nvidia future is to bright and i don't feel the Project Denver is going to make it on windows 8 sorry but i feel Intel and Amd are going to show Arm+nvidia their place on a windows machine. Arm design can't run x86 so how do you think people will take it when they find out their software can't run on it.

MS said Win8 WILL run on ARM, and it's in their best interests to make that happen, so I think it will happen.

nVidia is NOT going out of business: they don't have an x86 license and therefore will stay in the GPU market where they'll happily compete with AMD in high-end cards and completely lose out in low-end ones, 'cause no one really needs them or there's a cheaper AMD solution. They'll have to do ARM if they know what's good for them. I played around with some Tegra 2 phones and they're just as good as their standard ARM counterparts (from other manufacturers). If given an option to buy a smartphone with Tegra 2 or other manufacturer's ARM and they perform the same, I'd go for Tegra 2, because it's fun to have nVidia in your phone =) Think they'll have a sticker there?

the average consumer will play a game over converting a file any day!

Oh please. Most of "average consumers" think that video games are for kids, and they're right, since all they play is Sims and such. If I were them, I'd waste less money on fancy phones and tablets and first build or buy a decent PC for REAL gaming.

Their is a reason why nvidia is not in consoles and their is also a reason why Intel laptops almost always has Amd graphics no a days. because nvidia design uses more power and run hotter then Amd's

Depends on the model. nVidia is not in consoles because they didn't manage to secure the right deals, that's all.

But if you are a gamer, intel IGP is useless. I have an A4 laptop, which I bought in an emergency,it can run every game in xbox 360 quality. By that mean bioshock maxed, valve games maxed, and dead space nearly high with a good 30fps, and thats the weakest llano. its able to run games properly, and is not very slow either. also for the average consumer, the llanos 6 hours battery life kills intels. plz dont be that much of a troll and appreciate the jumps in tech.

Okay, I take it back. Somehow I always forget that not every gamer has a custom built Sandy Bridge or Phenom II X4 desktop... after all, it's not what you play on, it's WHAT you play.

Moreover, the Fusion you see today is just the beginning.

If you mean to say that later Fusion will be even more powerful, I bet dedicated cards will be, too. So it will still stay in the same sector.

its clear that the mobile market is rising, but I dont think nvidia should consentrate that much on phones and tablets. I think phone and tablet gaming is gonna die soon because sooner or later, people are going to start missing buttons. Touch screen gaming aint that fun.

You're wrong. It's just NOT gaming. Not good gaming, at least. Can't game on anything smaller than 17'' screen. (Okay, I admit, I used my 14'' CRT when my screen didn't arrive yet... but I was so *impatient*, LOL!)

Well, enough for now.


"AMD system look better and has better build quality"?
I never said anything out build qouality i said visuals (,2925-14.html)

MS said Win8 WILL run on ARM, and it's in their best interests to make that happen, so I think it will happen.
Yes and Amd and Intel processors work on windows vista did that stop people from having incompatibility NO
Arm can't run X86 code period meaning unless all you do is use windows arm well fail on windows. windows 8 will support it any program made today or for the last 20+ years wont. (
nVidia is NOT going out of business:
never said they will just said their business well continue to shrink and their market cap will also.
Oh please. Most of "average consumers" think that video games are for kids, and they're right, since all they play is Sims and such. If I were them, I'd waste less money on fancy phones and tablets and first build or buy a decent PC for REAL gaming.
ha ha and yes every person buying a pc is 90+ years old. because we all know how much 90 year olds buy PC's. Most people will not save their money haven't you notice people in the U.S have the most money but they save less then most other country's. what is real gaming a game barly sold or a game thats alwasy on the top 10 charts for years such as sims,wow and so on. not everyone needs a I7 and not everyone needs a 6970 either. but i can assure you with every bone in my body people would rather have a i3+6670 over a I7+5450.

Depends on the model. nVidia is not in consoles because they didn't manage to secure the right deals, that's all.
Right..If nvidia was better they would be in consoles end of story

after all, it's not what you play on, it's WHAT you play.
Acording to what you said earler "or buy a decent PC for REAL gaming" you must think they only real games are FPS when people love games like sims,wow and so on.

If you mean to say that later Fusion will be even more powerful, I bet dedicated cards will be, too. So it will still stay in the same sector.
I for one i'm happy Intel and Amd started taking graphics most seriously. A processor from 5 years ago is fast enough for most people and include that with a 6450 and make it use as least amount of power as possible and you got the best laptop and media server chip in the world.



Nov 28, 2008
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]What did you smoke? Please DO share, seems like good stuff. How does "AMD system look better and has better build quality"? The only thing from AMD is the CPU, and that doesn't have much in terms of looks. And as far as quality, I'd rather trust Intel than AMD, though I'm not saying that AMD is bad.MS said Win8 WILL run on ARM, and it's in their best interests to make that happen, so I think it will happen.nVidia is NOT going out of business: they don't have an x86 license and therefore will stay in the GPU market where they'll happily compete with AMD in high-end cards and completely lose out in low-end ones, 'cause no one really needs them or there's a cheaper AMD solution. They'll have to do ARM if they know what's good for them. I played around with some Tegra 2 phones and they're just as good as their standard ARM counterparts (from other manufacturers). If given an option to buy a smartphone with Tegra 2 or other manufacturer's ARM and they perform the same, I'd go for Tegra 2, because it's fun to have nVidia in your phone =) Think they'll have a sticker there?Oh please. Most of "average consumers" think that video games are for kids, and they're right, since all they play is Sims and such. If I were them, I'd waste less money on fancy phones and tablets and first build or buy a decent PC for REAL gaming.Depends on the model. nVidia is not in consoles because they didn't manage to secure the right deals, that's all.Okay, I take it back. Somehow I always forget that not every gamer has a custom built Sandy Bridge or Phenom II X4 desktop... after all, it's not what you play on, it's WHAT you play.If you mean to say that later Fusion will be even more powerful, I bet dedicated cards will be, too. So it will still stay in the same sector.You're wrong. It's just NOT gaming. Not good gaming, at least. Can't game on anything smaller than 17'' screen. (Okay, I admit, I used my 14'' CRT when my screen didn't arrive yet... but I was so *impatient*, LOL!)Well, enough for now.[/citation]
Clearly, you've been smoking weeds if you still don't realize the trend. Most games are console ports. No matter what great hardware you have, sometimes, Fusion is all you need.


Jan 15, 2009
[citation][nom]jdwii[/nom] Right..If nvidia was better they would be in consoles end of story[/citation]

what? wait? Where sre you from? Are you for real? Nvidia is in the most powerful console sold today, the PS3!!!! You had to have known this, i mean with all dim words you came up bad you just making stuff up.

So, yeah, every PS3 sold has an nvidia GPU in it. I guess this means Nvidia is better? i mean that is your logic, not mine. Its lacking in sooo many ways !)

i personally dont see your point in repeating irrelevent BS and flat out, complete lies. But since you made consoles some kinda important bar or whatever, its a beautiful irony that nvidia happens to be in the most powerful console to date. Repeated in your honor!

So please jdwii, quit posting BS and get your facts straight. I mean come on dude, its obvious you dont know anything about what you speak of so why are you even posting?


Jan 23, 2009
[citation][nom]ocre[/nom]what? wait? Where sre you from? Are you for real? Nvidia is in the most powerful console sold today, the PS3!!!! You had to have known this, i mean with all dim words you came up bad you just making stuff up. So, yeah, every PS3 sold has an nvidia GPU in it. I guess this means Nvidia is better? i mean that is your logic, not mine. Its lacking in sooo many ways !)i personally dont see your point in repeating irrelevent BS and flat out, complete lies. But since you made consoles some kinda important bar or whatever, its a beautiful irony that nvidia happens to be in the most powerful console to date. Repeated in your honor!So please jdwii, quit posting BS and get your facts straight. I mean come on dude, its obvious you dont know anything about what you speak of so why are you even posting?[/citation]
right now they are, but that wont be the case soon. the wiiu and new xbox will have amd in them. nvidia has replace that somehow because with consoles having amd their losing alot of marketshare. since 2005 amd has really come a long way, and have established themselves as a trustworthy GPU provider. And nvidia is having a hard time keeping up with their high power cards. Theyve been losing their shit, and indeed if theyd been better these last few years theyd be in wiiu and xbox. back then nvidia had the 8800 to pummel their way during console designing times, and now amd is right there with lower power solutions.


Jan 15, 2009
[citation][nom]bustapr[/nom]right now they are, but that wont be the case soon. the wiiu and new xbox will have amd in them. nvidia has replace that somehow because with consoles having amd their losing alot of marketshare. since 2005 amd has really come a long way, and have established themselves as a trustworthy GPU provider. And nvidia is having a hard time keeping up with their high power cards. Theyve been losing their shit, and indeed if theyd been better these last few years theyd be in wiiu and xbox. back then nvidia had the 8800 to pummel their way during console designing times, and now amd is right there with lower power solutions.[/citation]

I thought we were talking about now, would you rather make it on purely imaginative terms?? in the future is it? so nvidia will suck even more in the future because they wont have a console???? again, yet another one trash talking out of the realm of reality, baseless currently in this time of existence!

I agree that AMD has done well but whats with the rest of your statement? Nvidia would be in the wii if they had better cards? the wii? Well again nvidia is in the most powerful console to date, this is right now and will be the case for a good while. If your saying that nvidia has to be in all the consoles then your argument is moot because neither is AMD!

Basically your not helping the argument and your position is completely biased. Its the same old nvidia is terrible, unethical, and just completely unable to compete with AMD talk you see smeared all over every forum. Its just trash talk cause nvidia is a lot smaller than amd and somehow in this Q2 2011 nvidia made 3 times the profit with 1/3 the revenue of AMD. Thats the real picture when its all added up. This is purely fact and i challange you to look this up. This is all of AMD not just the graphics division, and nvidia made 3x the profits. And the beautiful thing is somehow nvidia does this without the wii or xbox!!

Quit posting propaganda that just is hate on nvidia. Your point is irrelevant to the real world and whats currently happening in every way!


Dec 1, 2007
It's nice that they're branching out and all, but it's a little retarded to think that the mobile market will ever surpass PCs as a gaming platform. You just can't get the same level of control from your phone or even from a tablet. Maybe they could allow you to attach some peripherals, but then you might as well buy a laptop. And while you're buying a laptop, you might as well put that money towards a decent desktop that will do it faster for the same price or cheaper. I haven't played a game on my phone since the first few months after I bought my phone. Since then, it's just a phone/internet device. My desktop remains my gaming system and my integrated graphics laptop is used for business/school. No hefty dedicated solution to devour my already minuscule battery life...

Essentially, it's good that they're focusing on bringing better graphics to mobile devices, but I don't think their specific focus (games) makes a whole lot of sense.
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