Sony DSR11 deck work with FCP?



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Hi. I'm looking at the Sony DSR 11 deck and want to confirm it will
work by Firewire with my G4. Also, can I plug an external TV monitor
into it and view the FCP Canvas?


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On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:25:03 +0200, scribz <>

>Hi. I'm looking at the Sony DSR 11 deck and want to confirm it will
>work by Firewire with my G4. Also, can I plug an external TV monitor
>into it and view the FCP Canvas?

Yes, the DSR-11 does work OK with FCP - BUT you need to be running an
up to date version of FCP otherwise you can get audio/video sync

The analogue output of the DSR-11 will mirror whatever is being fed to
it via the Firewire cable.


The Doctor Who Restoration Team Website


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On 2004-06-22 12:38:14 +0200, (Steve Roberts) said:

> Yes, the DSR-11 does work OK with FCP - BUT you need to be running an
> up to date version of FCP otherwise you can get audio/video sync
> errors.

Great. Running the last FCP 3.04. That ok or you need 4.5?

> The analogue output of the DSR-11 will mirror whatever is being fed to
> it via the Firewire cable.

This the s-Video output off the DSR 11?

ie G4 -> Firewire -> Sony DSR -11 -> S-Video -> TV monitor ?



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On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:38:26 +0200, scribz <>

>On 2004-06-22 12:38:14 +0200, (Steve Roberts) said:
>> Yes, the DSR-11 does work OK with FCP - BUT you need to be running an
>> up to date version of FCP otherwise you can get audio/video sync
>> errors.
>Great. Running the last FCP 3.04. That ok or you need 4.5?

I'm not a Mac user, I'm only basing this on the recent experience of a
friend. I asked him and his reply was:-

FCP3 has problems importing in sync via Firewire. The audio was
randomly 1-2 frames ahead (I think). This was on MacOS 9.2.2.

I have, however, discovered another problem with FCP4.5HD (under

I was trying to run some stuff out to DV from FCP4.5HD and, whatever I
did, the DSR-11 was not picking up the timecode. I connected the DSR
to the Powerbook (which still has FCP3 on it) and no problem -
timecode recorded fine. Back to FCP4: no timecode.

Saturday morning was spent on the phone to Apple support. They
suggested reinstalling FCP. To do this, you first have to uninstall
it, which means manually deleting a whole load of files on a list they
send you. Then you reinstall, do the software updates and so on. After
two hours of that, still no timecode. Back on to Apple support...

Eventually, they sent me this link:

In other words, FCP 4 has disabled the sending of timecode via
Firewire while playing a project. They suggest you use the DV-CAM
deck's internal tc generator. Of course, the DSR-11 does not have an
internal TCG - or rather it has one, but it only records from
00:00:00:00. So you cannot have project timecode on a dub to a DSR-11.
They've actually removed the facility.

This strikes me as absurd, and Apple Support are escalating it to
their engineers. It largely removes one of the whole points of DV

Why have they done this? I wonder if Sony were miffed that they were
losing out on sales of higher-spec DV machines because of this
facility, and lobbied for it to be disabled.

>> The analogue output of the DSR-11 will mirror whatever is being fed to
>> it via the Firewire cable.
>This the s-Video output off the DSR 11?
>ie G4 -> Firewire -> Sony DSR -11 -> S-Video -> TV monitor ?


That's basically how I run my setup at home, except it's a PC and the
Firewire conenction is a dedicated Canopus DV Storm2 card.


The Doctor Who Restoration Team Website


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On 2004-06-22 14:46:50 +0200, (Steve Roberts) said:

Thanks for the in depth answer... I remember reading something this
morning about out of sync and it's a settings thing... let me dig it

Found it:

What I have found is that most Final Cut Pro systems are not set up
correctly. There are a number of reasons for "audio out of sync", which
is one of the big reasons I am hired to build systems, or go to a
facility where a system was not built properly. To properly get a FCP
system working without crashes, dropped frames, out of sync audio and
many other issues, takes about 4 hours (from a fresh G4, to
software/hardware install and thorough setup). There are to many
reasons to list here, for "audio out of sync", but here is one setting
that is most often set incorrectly (as a matter of fact, FCP defaults
to this setting,... I'm not sure why? I have told Apple, just about two
years ago?),... and that is the "Sync Adjust Movers Over" is
enabled,... IT SHOULD ABSOLUTELY BE DISABLED (no "x" in the box)!!!!.
The only exception is if your DV source, via Firewire, is coming from a
Canon XL1.



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On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:38:26 +0200, scribz <>

>On 2004-06-22 12:38:14 +0200, (Steve Roberts) said:
>> Yes, the DSR-11 does work OK with FCP - BUT you need to be running an
>> up to date version of FCP otherwise you can get audio/video sync
>> errors.
>Great. Running the last FCP 3.04. That ok or you need 4.5?

We have used it for a year on v3, so you don't need 4.5. The only time
we experienced A/V out of synch, is when there are drops in the
timecode. But you can set FCP to stop capturing on timecode-drops.

>> The analogue output of the DSR-11 will mirror whatever is being fed to
>> it via the Firewire cable.
>This the s-Video output off the DSR 11?
>ie G4 -> Firewire -> Sony DSR -11 -> S-Video -> TV monitor ?

The annoying thing is that you can only play very simple stuff back
via firewire out. If it gets too complex, you'll have to render,
before pre-viewing. You'll be better off doing the edit on the
computer-monitor (so leave deck off), and if you feel it's time for a
check on a decent monitor, to render your programme, and play out via



filmmaker/DP/editor/filmschool techie
Sydney, Australia

"Once people took LSD to make things weird.
Now everything's weird they take Prozac to make it normal."


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On 2004-06-22 16:38:47 +0200, mheffels@newwsguy.ccom said:

> timecode. But you can set FCP to stop capturing on timecode-drops.

I had read that. good to know, thanks.

> check on a decent monitor, to render your programme, and play out via
> firewire.

Ok. I was planning on using the deck for input and archive only. But
your point is taken.

Thanks again for the feedback.
