ATI driver install



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

When I uninstall my ATI drivers to update them with a
newer version, upon restart after uninstall windows
AUTOmatically installs its own ATI driver. This is the
same thing that happened with the sound driver, I cant
find a solution to it. Please help.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Matt, go to and download a ATI Driver Remover. That will
remove all the fragments of the ati
drivers you have hanging around your system. Then try to reinstall the ATI
driver and Sound Driver in Safe Mode.
"Matt D" <> wrote in message
> When I uninstall my ATI drivers to update them with a
> newer version, upon restart after uninstall windows
> AUTOmatically installs its own ATI driver. This is the
> same thing that happened with the sound driver, I cant
> find a solution to it. Please help.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Thanks for the reply, I will try it. Has Microsoft adresses this problem becuase it doesnt ask you anything it just goes ahead and does it, though it nice if you dont know what your doing but if you want to load drivers the way the manuafactors say it becomes a real pain. Everyone else I ask just install over old drivers, I'm new to XP but with any other version of windows this would kinda mess up wouldnt it?


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Matt, WinXP wants to load it's own tested WHQL ( Windows Hardware Quality
Labs ) Drivers. If you get a message
saying that the driver is not WHQL approved just ignore it and continue
the process.
"Matt D" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the reply, I will try it. Has Microsoft adresses this problem
becuase it doesnt ask you anything it just goes ahead and does it, though it
nice if you dont know what your doing but if you want to load drivers the
way the manuafactors say it becomes a real pain. Everyone else I ask just
install over old drivers, I'm new to XP but with any other version of
windows this would kinda mess up wouldnt it?