How can I use dual monitors with one monitor running a game?


Oct 30, 2012
Is there a way to run a full screen application such as a game on one monitor and be able to utilize all my other applications such as my web browser on the other monitor simultaneously?

My goal is to be able to browse the internet on one monitor and run a full screen game on the other monitor without interrupting the game

The only way I'm aware this can be done is through alt tabbing away and that pauses the game or even pulls it out of full screen mode entirely which then has to be reactivated.

I realize that the active window (which in my case is a full screen game) will always be utilizing the keyboard and mouse while running, so there wouldn't be any cursor with which to use on my second monitor.

Now with my specific configuration, any game running on the other monitor (which is a television) will be using an Xbox 360 controller only. With that in mind, does anyone know of a way to assign the controller to the full screen game (monitor 1) while the keyboard and mouse are assigned to the the other display (monitor 2)? I've tried a number of things to make this work but switching to any other application instantly pauses, minimizes, or pulls out of full screen mode the game. My computer is running Windows 8.

Thanks for any advice.